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Thursday 23 February 2012

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning 2012 Full Zack Download

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is an open world, single-player, Role-playing game for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC, releasing on February 7, 2012 in North America and 3 days later in Europe. It is developed by 38 Studios and Big Huge Games and published by EA Games. Known for designing the Elder Scrolls series, Ken Rolston is working along side R.A Salvatore, who co-wrote the lore and universe for the game along with Todd McFarlane.


In the Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning there are a total of 4 playable Classes, 5 Regions, 3 Class Trees and 22 different Abilities. At the very start of the game the player will be in possession of no abilities, nothing known of their history, no items and knows nothing more than the fact they have been brought back from the dead via an experimental process known as the Well of Souls. The game will include a Destiny system in which you are a Fateless one, a being without any predetermined purpose. This means you can invest skills into a variety of attributes in order to create your own destiny via the Skill Tree available for your character. Occasionally you will come across quicktime events that take place in the game but ultimately the combat is dependent on timely button pressing.

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Tan Sri Mokhtar Al-Bukhary Model Umat Islam Yang Berjaya-1Malaysia

Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Shah bin Syed Nor Al-Bukhary merupakan seorang ahli perniagaan dan usahawan Melayu yang terkaya di Malaysia. Menurut Forbes beliau mempunyai harta bernilai AS$1.7 billion pada 2010seterusnya menjadi orang kelapan terkaya di Malaysia pada 2010.

Beliau dilahirkan di Alor Setar, Kedah pada 1951 Beliau memulakan perniagaannya sebagai seorang pengusaha daging pada tahun 1970. Beliau yang juga merupakan pemilik Yayasan al-Bukhary terlibat dalam perniagaan berasaskan perladangan, pembinaan, kejuruteraan, infrastruktur dan pelabuhan.

Pada tahun 80-an, Syed Mokhtar telah beralih ke bidang pengangkutan yang telah membawa tuah kepadanya sehingga menjadi seorang antara tokoh korporat bumiputera yang terkaya di Malaysia. Karier perniagaannya mula dikenali pada awal 90-an di Johor semasa Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menjadi Menteri Besar. Beliau yang amat meminati bidang pengurusan dan pembangunan pelabuhan adalah salah seorang manusia yang bertanggungjawab menjadikan Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas, Johor menjadi terkenal di mata dunia dalam tempoh yang sebentar.

Tidak lama kemudian, Syed Mokhtar telah mengasaskan Yayasan (Islam) Al-Bukhary yang telah membina dan menguruskan Muzium Kesenian Islam bernilai RM70 juta di Kuala Lumpur selain banyak menjalankan kerja-kerja amal dan kebajikan terutamanya sekitar Negeri Kedah dan Perak.

Syed Mokhtar juga merupakan pemilik kepada Syarikat Gulf International Investment Group Capital (GIIG) yang mempunyai kepentingan dalam Projek Hidro Elektrik Bakun. Di samping itu, beliau mempunyai kepentingan dalam beberapa buah firma terkenal Malaysia seperti Malaysia Mining Corporation Berhad (MMC), PERNAS, Padiberas Nasional Berhad, Malakoff Berhad, Seaport Terminal Johor Sdn. Bhd., Johor Port Berhad, Impian Teladan Sdn. Bhd., Indra Cita Sdn. Bhd. dan banyak lagi.

MMC telah bergabung dengan Gamuda Berhad dan berjaya mendapatkan projek landasan keretapi berkembar bernilai RM14.5 billion sebelum ianya dibekukan oleh kerajaan kerana faktor pemulihan ekonomi. Syed Mokhtar juga dikatakan telah membeli kepentingan majoriti dalam Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Senai, Johor.

Latarbelakang Ringkas Syed Mokhtar
- Tahun lahir : 1951
- Pendidikan: SPM
- Mula berniaga: umur 19 tahun (jual beli lembu dan kerbau)
- Kekayaan: AS$1,700 juta
- Ke 8 terkaya di Malaysia
- Ke 655 terkaya di Dunia (Forbes)
- Antara syarikat miliknya: MMC, Pelabuhan Tg. Pelepas, BERNAS, Gardenia, DRB-HICOM dan Bank Muammalat
- Kereta: Proton Perdana
- Sumbangan sosial :
Yayasan Al-Bukhary, institusi pengajian untuk 3,000 pelajar, Muzium Kesenian Islam, Kompleks Al-Bukhary, menaja kelas tuisyen untuk pelajar Melayu, pengindahan Masjid Negara, sumbangan RM1 juta untuk Tabung Tsunami dan menaja setiap tahun penghantaran rakyat Malaysia yang tak mampu untuk tunaikan haji.

- Bagaimana sumbangan sosialnya bermula?
Bila mana ibunya menyuruh memberikan sebahagian elaun (RM750.00) pertamanya sebagai pengarah syarikat beras kepada jiran yang susah. Sebahagian lagi (RM750.00) ibunya simpan. Selain itu, ibunya juga menyuruh beliau menghantar lampu kerosen ke surau-surau untuk menerangi kegiatan sepanjang malam bulan Ramadhan. Dari situ bermulalah pembentukan peribadi dan pemikiran Syed Mokhtar yang kita kenali hari ini.

1. Ada sebab kenapa saya bekerja seperti tiada hari esok. Agenda sosial dan kerja-kerja kemasyarakatan itulah antara sebabnya. Saya mahu meninggalkan warisan untuk anak bangsa yang kekal berpanjangan.

2. (berkenaan know who) Bangsa lain tak mengapa tapi orang Melayu kena berdamping dengan orang politik sedikit-sedikit. Tapi masalahnya kita tidak mahu melalui kesusahan; banyak yang mahu senang dengan mendampingi orang politik semata-mata.

3. Tiada apa-apa rahsia. Saya ini hamba Allah biasa, budak dangau macam saudara semua juga. Tuhan jadikan manusia ini sama sahaja. Proses kematangan saya yang membezakannya. Saya percaya sesiapa pun boleh menjadi apa sahaja asalkan mereka berusaha dengan tekun. Tetapi tentulah ia memakan masa. Tiada jalan singkat.

4. Saya mengenali kekuatan dan kelemahan saya. Apa yang tidak mampu buat saya akan minta orang lain tengok-tengokkan. Saya melalui jalan yang susah tapi itulah jalan yang kekal.

5. Kita perlu menggunakan kepakaran mereka (bangsa Cina) kerana mereka jauh lebih maju dan mahir daripada kita. Apa yang kita kurang faham kita berkongsi dengan tujuan untuk belajar dengan mereka. Apabila sudah faham baru kita boleh menjaga kepentingan kita.

6. Saya sedih melihat sistem sekolah pondok di Kedah. Saya ada cita-cita mahu memodenkan sekolah pondok. Kita kena maju.

7. Saya terlibat dalam perniagaan ini kerana saya tiada pilihan lain.

8. Untuk memajukan perniagaan, memang kena banyak sabar dan kuat berusaha.

9. Tidak ada jalan singkat. Saya belajar tentang perniagaan ini sejak kecil lagi dan saya juga biasa kena tipu.

10. Saya pun suka kemewahan. Saya pun suka tengok dunia, ke Tokyo, New York dan London. Saya pun suka pakai baju elok. Tapi kita hendak bermewah setakat mana, hendak pakai baju banyak mana, hendak tidur dalam berapa rumah satu malam, hendak makan pun sampai larat mana?

11. Dalam hidup ini kita sebenarnya tidak ada status; ada masa di atas, ada masa di bawah.

12. Ketika Allah memberika kemewahan, kita kena turun ke bawah, tengok mana-mana yang boleh dibantu. Allah beri rezeki melalui kita untuk kita tolong orang lain. Rezeki itu bila-bila masa dia boleh ambil balik. Jika ada orang korporat Melayu yang tidak mahu turun ke bawah mungkin kerana bayangan duit itu lebih kuat daripada yang lain.

13. Korporat Cina turun ke bawah membantu. Orang Cina ada pelbagai persatuan. Kita tidak ada; kalau ada pun berpecah. Orang Melayu kita tidak mahu bekerjasama kerana perasaan dengki menguasai diri. Sudahlah tak mahu berusaha, apabila orang lain berusaha mereka marah .

14. Rezeki yang ada itu sebenarnya untuk orang lain. Memang dari segi hukum pun begitu. Kita kena keluar zakat dan fitrah. Tetapi zakat fitrah banyak mana sangat. Islam agama yang adil; ia minta sedikit saja. Oleh itu, kalau ada duit yang lebih ia seharusnya dibelanjakan dengan baik.

15. Saya tak kisah kalau saya tak buat semua ini. Saya boleh tak buat apa-apa dan balik ke Alor Star. Tetapi saya rasa hidup ini sia-sia. Orang Kedah kata kalau mati nanti mata tidak tutup rapat kerana tanggungjawab depan mata kita tidak buat. Orang lain ambil kekayaan kita, ambil hak kita dan pergunakan kita, kita masih tidak buat apa-apa !

16. Saya ada emotional attachment kepada agama, bangsa dan ummah. Saya bukan individualistik. Diri saya tidak penting. Pangkat dan gelaran ini kepada saya tidak mustahak.

17. Saya sedih media tonjolkan saya begini. Saya malu kerana orang Cina kaya beratus-ratus kali ganda daripada saya. Tapi saya tahu orang Melayu kalau hendak berjaya kena kerja kuat tidak kira siang malam. Kita ada kekuatan yang tuhan beri melebihi daripada bangsa lain. Tetapi untuk maju kita perlu berusaha.

18. Saya asal daripada tidak ada apa-apa. Apa yang saya tidak tahu saya belajar, minta tolong daripada orang. Saya tidak malu. Saya bukannya mencuri. Saya usaha sendiri. Sikap pemalas dan pemalu ini yang orang Melayu kena atasi. Kita kena berani kerana benar. Apabila kita dapat keuntungan dan rezeki lebih, bolehlah kita menolong orang.

19. Kaya itu bukanlah kepada diri sendiri. Kaya itu adalah kepada kumpulan perniagaan ini, kepada bangsa dan kepada orang ramai. Saya hanya memegangnya untuk sementara sahaja.

20. Saya tiada keinginan untuk menyimpan kekayaan ini untuk anak dan isteri. Duit ini tidak akan kekal. Saya percaya hanya perkara yang baik yang kita lakukakan akan kekal. Bukan duit yang akan melindungi saya nanti tapi apa yang saya lakukan sekarang.

21. Saya perlu terus mencari peluang dan perniagaan lain supaya kita terus dapat bantu orang lain mengembangkan diri masing-masing. Saya bukan buat semua ini untuk diri saya semata-mata.

22. Ada juga yang saya usaha tapi tak dapat dan orang tak tahu. Apa yang saya dapat itu yang jadi masalah kononnya Syed Mokhtar sapu semua. Bangsa lain memegang pelbagai kepentingan dalam ekonomi, siapa pun tak kata apa. Ini masalah orang Melayu. Di kampung orang Melayu berpecah kerana politik, di bandar berpecah kerana ini (wang).

23. Saya percaya kalau rezeki itu Allah beri kepada saya ia bukan untuk saya tetapi untuk orang ramai juga. Orang tidak tahu banyak syarikat yang saya ada ini gagal dan tidak maju kepada saya tetapi orang tidak tahu.

24. Banyak orang percaya bahawa dia mesti ada RM10 juta atau RM20 juta dalam tangan baru hidup boleh selamat. Ini yang menyebabkan mereka hanyut daripada menolong orang lain. Mereka lebih takutkan diri sendiri. Mereka lupa bahawa kekayaan tidak boleh membantu selama-lamanya.

25. Orang kata saya takda duit tapi banyak hutang. Orang berniaga mana yang tak berhutang. Tapi mesti tahu bagaimana hendak meminjam dan membayarnya semula. Ada cara boleh kita buat.
Tapi sebelum berhutang RM100 juta mesti sudah fikir bagaimana hendak membayarnya balik. Mesti ada tanggungjawab. Banyak orang mahu senang tapi tidak ramai yang mahu bertanggungjawab.

26. (perasaan setiap kali mendapat rezeki) . Saya ini kata orang Kedah, lebai kodok bukan lebai pondok. Tapi saya tahu hal-hal asas. Kalau mahu saya minta terus dari tuhan. Tuhan beri manusia akal dan fikiran. Kalau hendak pakai baju dan seluar biarlah padan dengan badan.

27. Kesenangan yang saya perolehi ini datang dengan tanggungjawab (bila pinjam bayar balik dan buat amal jariah). Kalau hendak dibandingkan dengan bangsa lain, perniagaan saya ini tidak ada apa. Tetapi walaupun sedikit tetapi yang sedikit itu ada berkatnya.

28. Saya suka kalau nikmat sedikit yang saya dapat itu orang lain boleh berkongsi sama.

29. Saya kadang-kadang kecewa dan sedih melihat anak orang alim yang sesetengahnya lupa diri setelah mendapat kekayaan. Saya pun sama seperti orang lain suka hendak ke luar negara tetapi kita tidak boleh lupa kubur kita dan asal usul kita. Di kampung kita mungkin ada jiran-jiran yang perlukan bantuan.

30. ……kalau tidak mungkin saya sudah ke Haatyai dan jadi nakal. Saya manusia yang banyak buat kesilapan. Tetapi saya insaf, beristighfar dan jalan lagi. Sejak awal saya ada kesedaran mahu mengekalkan hak kita sebagai orang Melayu.

31. Saya kata kepada diri sendiri kalau kerana itu saya terpaksa bersusah sedikit pun tidak mengapa.

32. Kekayaan ini tuhan beri kepada saya untuk saya menolong orang lain pula. Saya percaya kepada keberkatan rezeki. Hari ini kita tolong orang, esok lusa orang akan tolong kita pula dengan cara yang lain.

33. Kalaupun tidak sanggup tunggu 34 tahun seperti saya berilah sedikit masa untuk faham selok belok perniagaan, Insya Allah boleh maju.

34. Kita jangan cepat putus asa. Putus asa boleh tapi kena cepat-cepat kuatkan semula semangat untuk bangkit balik. Jangan jadikan agama hanya satu tempat untuk kita bergantung apabila kita susah. Tanggungjawab ibadah adalah tugas seharian.

35. Lifestyle ? Saya tidak ada lifestyle yang kena masuk kelab sana dan sini. Tapi tak semestinya saya tidak boleh turun ke kelab. Orang Melayu kalau hendak ke depan mesti ada cara hidup yang fleksibel, boleh naik dan turun.

36. Lifestyle ini sebenarnya satu penyakit. Saya biasa pakai Mercedes tapi sekarang saya pakai Proton Perdana untuk sokong kereta nasional. Kereta itu pun cukup untuk bawa saya ke mana-mana.

37. Tiada sebab orang kenapa Melayu tidak boleh maju. Ini saya berani perang dengan sesiapa pun. Orang Melayu boleh maju. Kalau saudara jadi wartawan saudara kena tanam semangat suatu hari nanti mahu ambil alih akhbar ini. Tidak ada sebab kenapa ia tidak boleh berlaku.

38. Kejayaan dan kelemahan orang Melayu bukan disebabkan oleh bangsa kita dan agama kita. Ia berkait dengan sikap dan cara kita berfikir. Gigih, tekun dan tidak mudah putus asa merupakan kunci kejayaan kita. Tapi perkara ini kurang wujud dalam cara orang Melayu berfikir.

39. Tuhan memberi peluang kepada siapa saja yang bekerja kuat. Apa yang ada pada saya ini hanya usaha. Kalau anak dangau macam saya boleh, tidak ada sebab orang lain terutama mereka yang dari pekan tidak boleh.

40. Kita tidak usahlah selalu mengulang-ulang perkara yang boleh memberikan kesan psikologi negatif kepada orang Melayu (kereta dan rumah besar). Kita kena kurangkan bercakap tentang kereta besar dan rumah besar. Sesiapa pun mahu pakai kereta mewah tapi bukan itu matlamatnya.

41. Orang Melayu sebenarnya kena membantu diri sendiri, kena bekerja keras dan fokus.

42. Sikap merendah diri perlu sentiasa ada dalam diri seseorang walau setinggi mana pun kejayaan dicapai.

43. Apa yang saya buat ini (kerja-kerja sosial) semuanya bermula daripada didikan orang tua saya sendiri.

44. Saya sendiri berhutang sambil berniaga dan buat sumbangan amal jariah. Saya tak mahu tunggu hutang habis baru hendak buat semua ini. Saya takut kalau hutang habis saya pun mati dan apa pun tak sempat saya buat.

45. Saya biasa saja. Hidup saya tidak berubah, dari dulu beginilah. Saya terima apa saja nikmat yang diberikan oleh Allah. Tidak ada segelas air, ada setengah gelas pun saya bersyukur.

46. Kalau kerana sedikit bantuan itu mereka lulus peperiksaan dan hidup mereka menjadi lebih baik, saya sudah gembira. Saya tidak boleh buat banyak. Alhamdulillah, lebih baik buat sedikit daripada tidak buat langsung.

47. Saya tiada minat untuk beli kapal layar atau kapal terbang. Saya fikir kalau saya beli sesuatu biarlah orang ramai boleh pakai. Saya suka kalau saya beli sesuatu yang mahal, biarlah orang ramai boleh pakai.

48. Saya gembira dapat membantu. Saya mahu orang lain merasai (kesenangan) apa yang saya pernah rasa. Saya tahu bagaimana perasaanya. Saya kata kepada diri saya, apa yang saya dapat saya mesti beri orang lain merasainya sama. Jangan beri kurang, lebih tak mengapa. Itu yang membuat hati saya seronok.

49. Saya rasa saya ingin menyumbang lebih daripada ini. Saya kata kepada kawan-kawan ini baru warm-up saja; kita belum berjalan lagi. Saya rasa kita terlalu banyak ketinggalan.

Sumber :Gempak.Org

Fast And Furious X Collection Volume 1-5 Full America Download

Fast & Furious is a 2009 American street racing action film directed by Justin Lin. It is the fourth film in The Fast and the Furious film series and the third installment in terms of chronology. The plot connects with the original film of the series from which Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez, and Jordana Brewster reprise their roles.The film was directed by Justin Lin, who also directed the third and fifth installments of the series, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift and Fast Five. It is also the first film in the series to give more emphasis to American built muscle cars than imported cars.

  • Paul Walker as Brian O'Conner, a former police officer, auto mechanic and elite street racer. Brian is now an FBI agent on the trail of the Mexican drug lord Arturo Braga. He drives a Subaru Impreza WRX STI.
  • Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto, an auto mechanic, ex-convict, and elite street racer from the United States. Dominic is wanted for committing numerous semi-truck hijackings. At the beginning of the film, he is living in the Dominican Republic and drives a black Buick Grand National to hijack fuel trucks.[4]
  • Michelle Rodriguez as Leticia Ortiz, Dominic's girlfriend who lives with him in the Dominican Republic.
  • Jordana Brewster as Mia Toretto, Dominic's younger sister and Brian's former girlfriend.
  • Sung Kang as Han Seoul-Oh, a street racer and member of Dominic's crew, who also appeared in Tokyo Drift.
  • John Ortiz as Arturo Braga, a power drug lord who wants drivers to smuggle heroin across the USA/Mexico Border.
  • Laz Alonso as Fenix Calderon, Arturo Braga's henchman, drives a 1972 Ford Gran Torino.
  • Gal Gadot as Gisele Yashar, a liaison for Braga.
  • Robert Miano as Ramon Campos, Braga's double.
  • Neil Brown Jr. as Malik Herzon.
  • Jack Conley as Penning, head of FBI.
  • Don Omar as Omar Santos, a member of Dominic's crew.
  • Tego Calderón as Leo Tego, a member of Dominic's crew.
  • Mirtha Michelle as Cara Mirtha, a member of Dominic's crew and Han's girlfriend.
  • Ron Yuan as David Park.
  • Greg Cipes as Dwight Mueller, Braga's Camaro driver.
  • Brandon T. Jackson as Braga's BMW driver.
  • Mousa Kraish as Braga's Silvia driver.
  • Shea Whigham as Ben Stasiak, FBI agent.
  • Liza Lapira as Sophie Trinh, FBI agent.

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Window 8 Beta Full Download Money Drop

Windows 8 is the codename for the next version of the Microsoft Windows computer operating system following Windows 7. It has many changes from previous versions. In particular it adds support for ARM microprocessors in addition to the previously supported x86 microprocessors from Intel and AMD. A new Metro-style interface has been added that was designed for touchscreen input in addition to mouse, keyboard, and pen input. Its server version is codenamed Windows Server 8. Microsoft has not announced a specific release date for Windows 8.


Windows 8 will contain a new user interface based on Microsoft's design language Metro. The Metro environment will feature a new tile-based Start screen similar to the Windows Phone smartphone operating system, which will contain shortcuts to both normal "desktop" applications and new Metro style applications which will be oriented more towards use on touchscreen devices such as tablets, and dynamically updating "live tiles" which can display information on the Start screen. These applications will also be able to push notifications and share information between other applications.

The classic desktop (similar to Windows 7) will still be available for non-Metro applications, and can be switched between at any time. However, the Start button on the "Developer Preview" build opens the Start screen instead of the Start menu, and recent leaked builds leading up to the "Consumer Preview" build revealed that the Start button had been removed entirely, in favor of a hotspot in the bottom-left corner.
Applications for the Metro environment will be available through the "Windows Store", an online distribution platform.

Metro applications are developed with the new Windows Runtime platform using various programming languages; including C++, Visual Basic, C#, and HTML/Javascript. Metro applications will also be cross-compatible with both x86 systems and ARM-based Windows systems. Metro applications will be packaged in the "AppX" format. and Open Packaging Conventions.

Windows 8 will also include Internet Explorer 10, which will be available in a stripped-down version for use within the Metro environment that will not support plugins or ActiveX components, and a normal "desktop" version which resembles Internet Explorer 9.

A new authentication method will allow users to sketch in three different places over the picture to login, instead of typing a password. Additionally, user accounts may be linked with a Windows Live ID, allowing the user's profile to be synchronized over the internet and accessible from other computers running the operating system. Additionally, the system will provide integration with the SkyDrive service, which provides 25GB of online storage to Windows Live users.

Windows Explorer has also gained new functionality, including a new ribbon toolbar, and a redesigned file operation progress dialog which provides more detailed statistics, the ability to pause file transfers, and improvements in the ability to manage conflicts when copying files.

A new "Hybrid Boot" option that uses "advanced hibernation functionality" on shutdown to allow faster startup times.

Windows To Go will allow Windows 8 to be run from a bootable USB device (such as a flash drive). It is intended for enterprise administrators to provide users with a Windows 8 image that reflects the corporate desktop; pricing and licensing details were not discussed when the feature was announced.

There will also be two integrated recovery functions, Refresh and Reset, which both make a complete restore easier than a re-installation. The former keeps all the settings and files of the user intact and only reverses all changes to Windows files to their original state while removing all installed programs and apps. The latter deletes all files and effectively re-installs Windows, but without any additional user input such as agreeing to license agreements or selecting a hard disk required. After a reset completes, the user will be asked for the product key and will then proceed to account creation.

Among other features, Windows 8 is also expected to include native USB 3.0 support, a new lock screen, as well as a setting to automatically adjust window color to fit the wallpaper.

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Norton Internet Security 2012 Mania Love Collection

The main window of Symantec's Norton security suite was getting pretty darn crowded as of last year. Symantec designers observed that users mostly ignored the dozens of links and controls, beelining for the ones that launch a scan and check for updates. The interface for Norton Internet Security 2012 ($69.99 direct for three licenses) emphasizes those two favorite activities on its main screen and pushes almost all the rest onto a slide-up panel of advanced settings. It's not just a pretty face— Norton Internet Security 2012 did well in all of my tests, without dragging down test-system performance.

Symantec also added more power to the product's antivirus engine. In particular, the SONAR behavior-based detection component now tracks more behaviors and correlates them to identify malicious or risky processes.


The Norton Insight database now offers information about each program's reliability. Based on observing how often a program crashes on the millions of computers tracked by Norton Community, it assigns one of four reliability ratings. And the suite can now refrain from online activity when the computer is using a bandwidth-limited connection.

Powerful Antivirus
At the core of Norton Internet Security 2012 is the same powerful antivirus engine found in the standalone antivirus. For full details, please read my review of Norton AntiVirus 2012 ($39.99 direct, 4.5 stars). I'll summarize here.

All of the independent testing labs that I follow include Norton in their tests, and they give it good ratings overall in both static and dynamic tests. The chart below summarizes recent results. For an explanation of the chart's contents, see How We Interpret Antivirus Lab Tests.

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Norton Internet Security 2012 lab tests chart

When I challenged Norton to clean up twelve infested test systems, it called on a variety of tools. On one system it automatically ran a preinstall scan to neutralize interfering malware. The scan results on several systems included a link that recommended using Norton Power Eraser (Free, 4 stars) to finish the cleanup. One required use of the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool.

Cleanup took a while, especially on systems that needed multiple scans, but the results were impressive. While Norton didn't have the highest detection rate, it scored higher for malware removal than any other product tested with the current set of samples. It also took the top scores for rootkit and scareware removal. For an explanation of how I calculate these scores, see How We Test Malware Removal.

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Norton Internet Security 2012 malware removal chart

Norton also did a very good job blocking malware from infesting a clean system. Its SONAR behavior-monitoring module tracks all activity by each process, so when it detected a threat partway through installation it was able to roll back all changes. Among products tested using my current set of samples, Norton's 8.9 points for malware blocking is beaten only by G Data InternetSecurity 2012 ($44.95 direct for three licenses, 3 stars) with 9.0 points. Norton scored a perfect 10 for rootkit and scareware removal. To understand my scoring system, please see How We Test Malware Blocking.

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Norton Internet Security 2012 malware blocking chart

The Norton Insight database records data about all programs found on the millions of computers connected to the Norton Community. A program that's not found in the database is very likely to be a zero-day virus or a polymorphic threat, so the SONAR system takes a hard look at such programs. This also means that SONAR may block very old or obscure utilities, especially those that perform system-level actions and aren't digitally signed. Most users won't encounter this problem, and whitelisting guarantees that SONAR won't mistakenly block a significant program.


The Advanture Of Tintin 2011 BlueRay lutfi Collection

The Adventures of Tintin (French: Les Aventures de Tintin) is a series of comic albums created by Belgian artist Georges Remi (1907–1983), who wrote under the pen name of Hergé. The series is one of the most popular European comics of the 20th century, with translations published in more than 50 languages and more than 200 million copies of the books sold to date.

The series first appeared in French in Le Petit Vingtième, a children's supplement to the Belgian newspaper Le XXe Siècle on 10 January 1929. The success of the series saw the serialised strips published in Belgium's leading newspaper Le Soir and spun into a successful Tintin magazine. Then in 1950, Hergé created Studios Hergé, which produced the canon series of twenty-four albums. The Adventures of Tintin have been adapted for radio, television, theatre, and film.

Set during a largely realistic 20th century, the hero of the series is Tintin, a young Belgian reporter. He is aided in his adventures by his faithful fox terrier dog Snowy (Milou in French). Later, popular additions to the cast included the brash and cynical Captain Haddock, the highly intelligent but hearing-impaired Professor Calculus (Professeur Tournesol) and other supporting characters such as the incompetent detectives Thomson and Thompson (Dupont et Dupond). Hergé himself features in several of the comics as a background character, as do his assistants in some instances.

The comic strip series has long been admired for its clean, expressive drawings in Hergé's signature ligne claire style. Its engaging, well-researched plots straddle a variety of genres: swashbuckling adventures with elements of fantasy, mysteries, political thrillers, and science fiction. The stories within the Tintin series always feature slapstick humour, offset in later albums by dashes of sophisticated satire and political/cultural commentary.

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Yahudi Menang Lagi Kita Gigit Jari.

Protokol ke 10 Yahudi mengandungi 8 perkara....

1.. Song....
Lagu-lagu yang menghiburkan.. jika ada anak-anak yang tak tau mengucap.. tetapi boleh menghafal lagu Hindustan yang panjang berjela... Ada anak-anak yang tak hafal Fatihah.... tapi boleh mengingati lagu Siti Nurhaliza yang panjangnya berdepa depa..... berjaya sudah Yahudi.... Hingga kita terfikir..... bagaimana jadinya radio kalau tanpa lagu?

2. ....Sex.....
Lagi satu kegilaan remaja dan yang tua. Sex dimana-mana.. di kaca tv, dalam filem, dalam iklan... babak sex amat lumrah.. kekadang adegan sex tak diperlukan, tetapi diselitkan jua sehingga ada orang menonton filem hanya kerana ada adegan sex.. filem 18SX amat laris berbanding filem U... VCD lucah mudah didapati... dan harganya amat murah... Adakah filem yang tiada adegan sex? Lagi sekali berjaya sungguh Yahudi laknatullah......

3. ..Smoke....
Rokok.. menjadi kegilaan para remaja... sehingga dikatakan tidak moden jika tidak merokok... malah sekarang merokok menjadi budaya bagi mana-mana perempuan yang kononnya mau digelar "up to date"..Dulu yang merokok ini golongan pelacur saja.....ataupun penari kabaret.... (aku tengok dari filem P Ramlee).... Syabas yahudi... berjaya lagi kamu....

4. ....Sport...
Pelbagai jenis sukan ditonjolkan dan lelaki dengan perempuan sama-sama berlumba mencari nama dalam sukan... hinggakan sekarang bola sepak pun perempuan main juga.. Bila bersukan, tutup aurat mestilah jauh sekali, sembahyang pun banyak yang miss.. bukan yang bermain sahaja tak sembahyang... yang menonton pun tak sembahyang juga... Kalau menonton di rumah... akan lambat sembahyang sebab takut tak nampak macam mana masuk GOL.... Yahudi gol lagi.... sampai ada ulamak kata... kerana sukan..sembahyang boleh tangguh... Masya-Allah,..

5. .. Fun..
Hiburan...di mana-mana kita dapat hiburan yang melalaikan..... Kalau kita lihat dalam 100 majalah.. mungkin 99 adalah majalah hiburan.. Kalau ada konsert..... sanggup orang Islam bertandang hingga menghabiskan banyak wang dan bila ke konsert....pelbagai maksiat akan diselit masuk.... Yahudi terhibur lagi....

6.... Female...
Perempuan...tawaran Yahudi yang amat mengasyikkan..terutama dalam iklan..yang kadang-kadang tidak ada kena mengena denganperempuan... Kalau kita ke kedai bateri kereta...di hadapan bateri terpampang gadis dengan pakaian tidak menutup aurat beraksi... apa kena mengena bateri kereta dengan perempuan? Yahudi bersorak lagi.....

Fesyen terutama perempuan yang bermacam- macam..sehinggakan kalau pakai tudung pun mereka dah tak menutup aurat.... Macam mana dikatakan bertutup aurat jika bertudung tetapi berbaju ketat yang kekadang menampakkan pusat? Yang mewarnakan rambut lagi teruklah... Buat apa bertudung kalau rambut diwarnakan.... Bila warnakan rambut.. mestilah tidak bertudung sebab kalau bertudung.. bagaimana nak menayangkan warna rambut yang terkini itu... Kalau dah rambut diwarnakan... sembahyang pun tak sah...
malah mandi hadas pun tak sah sebab kebanyakan pewarna adalah kalis air... itu tak kira yang cukur bulu kening lagi... Yahudi ketawa lagi....Umat islam sudah jadi macam Yahudi....

8. .. Food..Makanan..
Lagi satu kegilaan Umat Islam terutama makanan dari Barat termasukalah McD , Kentucky , Pizza hut... dan seribu satu macam lagi... Buah kurma yang menjadi makanan Rasulullah dipandang hina....masuk rumah pun setahun sekali bila bulan Ramadan.... tapi makanan Barat menjadi kebanggaan...Bila makanan datang dari Barat.. adakah kita yakin tentang halalnya? Contohnya Kentucky .. rempahnya datang dari Amerika..... siapa nak pergi check...halal ke tidak? Bila makan benda haram, masakan iman menjadi mantap... 

sumber: syok

Fullmetal Alchemist 01-64 Full Movie Download Tuah Collection

Fullmetal Alchemist (鋼の錬金術師 Hagane no Renkinjutsushi?, literally "Alchemist of Steel"), is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa. The world of Fullmetal Alchemist is styled after the European Industrial Revolution. Set in a fictional universe in which alchemy is one of the most advanced scientific techniques known to man, the story follows the brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric, who want to restore their bodies after a disastrous failed attempt to bring their mother back to life through alchemy.

The manga was serialized in Square Enix's Monthly Shōnen Gangan magazine (starting August 2001 and ending June 2010) and was collected in 27 tankōbon volumes. It was adapted into an animated television series of 51 episodes by Bones from October 4, 2003, to October 2, 2004, later followed by a film sequel that concluded the story of the anime. Fullmetal Alchemist would later spawn a second series called Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, which first premiered in Japan on April 5, 2009, spanning 64 episodes, and ending on July 4, 2010. A multitude of spin-off novels, original video animations (OVAs), drama CDs, soundtracks, and video games have been adapted from the series. A collectible card game, multiple supplementary books, and a variety of action figures and other merchandise based on the characters of the series have also been released.

The manga has been licensed by Viz Media for publication in the United States, with 27 bound volumes released currently. Although there are no major differences with the Japanese version, some pages have been edited to avoid minor references to western theology. Funimation Entertainment has dubbed the anime episodes in the United States and Canada, and has also released them in all English-speaking DVD regions. The English version of the film premiered in a limited number of U.S. theaters on August 25, 2006, and was later released on DVD. Funimation and Destineer have also been releasing the video games from the series.

In Japan, the Fullmetal Alchemist manga has enjoyed exceptional sales of 50 million volumes sold as of 2010. The English release of the manga's first volume was the top-selling graphic novel during the year 2005. In two TV Asahi web polls, the anime was voted #1 most popular anime of all time in Japan. It was nominated in six of the eight categories for which it was eligible at the American Anime Awards in February 2007, winning awards in five of them. Reviewers from several media generally had positive comments on the series.

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Barney Big World Advanture 2012 Full SPBA Download

Cody (Trevor Morgan), his sister Abby (Diana Rice), their best friend Marcella (Kyla Pratt), and their baby brother Fig are dropped off by their parents for a visit at their grandparents' farm. Cody gets hit in his face by a basketball by accident while Abby and Marcella laugh and rub a Barney doll in his face. Cody loses his patience and starts a game of "keep-away" by taking the Barney doll and runs off with it. The two girls go after Cody. He then hides the Barney doll in the shower in the bathroom and the girls catch up with him. Cody tells them to use their imagination and laughs when he thinks that it is not working. However, the doll comes to life and turns into Barney the purple dinosaur. Cody refuses to believe in Barney at first, claiming that imagination is just for kids and that "real dinosaurs don't talk and real dinosaurs don't laugh."

That night, Cody wishes for a real adventure for that summer, and to do something no one has done before. A shooting star deposits a large colorful egg in the barn which is discovered by Cody in the morning. Barney and the kids go to tell the grandparents about this, but Barney is distracted by Fig's crying. Grandma suggests to Abby and Marcella that they go see Mrs. Goldfinch. Cody finds Barney who has just changed Fig's wet diaper and takes him to see his grandparents. However, Abby and Marcella take Cody and Barney to see Mrs. Goldfinch, who tells them that the egg is a dream maker. Cody knocks the egg off the table which lands on a birdseed truck. The adventure begins when Barney and the others try to recover it through a parade. Barney's friend B.J. catches it when it almost lands on the ground and breaks. Barney and the gang chase the egg throughout a French restaurant, a circus, and fly through the sky on an airplane to continue their pursuit of the egg which is in a hot air balloon. All the while, Baby Bop is looking for her yellow "blankie." B.J. and Baby Bop arrive just in time to see the egg hatch.

After they return the egg to the barn, it finally hatches into a koala-like being named Twinken who shows everyone Abby's dream and then Barney's. Cody apologizes to Barney for being mean and admits that he thinks he's cool. Barney accepts his apology and tells Cody that he thinks he's cool too and the two share a hug. Twinken shows everyone a magical fireworks display which lands in Barney's arms. Barney begins to sing "I Love You", and everyone else sings with him. Baby Bop gets sleepy, which prompts B.J. to decide that they are ready to go home. The film ends with Barney turning back into a doll with Twinken sitting right next to him.

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Wednesday 22 February 2012

Bayar Saman jpj-polis-dbkl bil tnb-tm jpn-imigresen di hujung jari

MYEG provides online government transactional services for the Malaysian community through its Electronic Government (E-Government) Initiatives. MYEG focuses on delivering improvements in the Government internal operations and in the delivery of services to the consumers.
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Malaysia Vs Jepun Live Stream 2012 Olympic Qualifier

jom Tgk On9 malaysia vs jepun . Tanah Tumpah darahku.. sokong malaysia walaupun apa yg terjadi..hehe,,kena la patriotik sikit,

Result malaysia 0- jepun 4.


Kes Bayi Tersedak Susu Meningkat -Tutorial Cara Sebenar Menyusu

  1. Kedudukan badan
  2. Pastikan anda selesa. bayi perlu diampu dengan baik. Anda boleh duduk bersandar di atas katil dengan kepala bayi di atas lengan atau anda duduk bersandar di atas kerusi
  3. Jangan bersandar terlalu jauh daripada bayi anda sehingga susah ia mencapai puting untuk menyusu dan jangan terlalu membonkok sehingga terlalu rapat denan bayi
  4. Gunakan bantal, kusyen atau bahan yang lembut untuk bersandar atau merehatkan kaki bagi menyokong anda dan bayi semasa penyusuan
  5. Cara memegang bayi
  6. Kepala, tengkuk dan tubuh bayi dalam keadaan selari
  7. Muka bayi menghadap payudara, hidung bayi bertentangan puting payudara ibu
  8. bayi rapat dengan ibu(perut bertemu perut). Punggung, kepala dan bahu bayi diampu
  9. Cara memegang payudara :
  10. Cara yang betul adalah Pegangan C iaitu ibu jari di atas puting dan jari lain di bawah puting
  11. Cara yang salah adalah Pegangan Gunting iaitu ibu jari dan jari telunjuk di atas puting dan jari lain di bawah puting
Posisi Penyusuan
  1. Posisi mendukung/buai
    • Ibu duduk memangku bayi dengan lengan
    • muka dan kepala bayi menghadap payudara 
  1. Posisi mendakap/di sisi
    1. ibu duduk dengan badan bayi disokong sepanjang lengan dan kaki dibalut longgar
    2. ibu memangku bahu bayi dan memegang kepala
    3. pastikan runag mencukupi bagi bayi tanpa membongkokkan kepala ibu ke hadapan untuk menyusukannya
  1. Posisi mendukung bersilang/bersilang buai
    • Bayi dipangku sepanjang lengan dan ibu juga boleh menukar pegangan bayi. Ibu juga boleh mengawal kepalanya
    • Posisi ini sesuai untuk bayi pramatang yang sukar untuk melekap
  1. Posisi baring
    • bayi baring mengiring menghadap ibunya. Seluruh badannya melekap dekat  ibu. Posisi ini sesuai untuk ibu yang hendak berehat
Penyusuan pasangan kembar
    • Bayi kembar boleh menyusu pada kedua-dua payudara pada masa serentak

Cara yang betul menyusukan bayi

  • Sentuh bibir bayi, tunggu mulutnya terbuka luas
  • gerakkan badan bayi ke arah payudara
  • pastikan bayi mengambil lebih kawasan hitam payudara(areola)
  • pastikan bayi melekap dengan betul dan ampu sedikit payudara
Cara pelekapan yang betul
  • mulut bayi terbuka luas
  • dagunya mencecah payudara
  • bibir melekup keluar
  • pipi gelembung
  • payudara nampak penuh dan bulat
  • terdengar nada hisapan - hisap -telan-hisap-telan
Cara pelekapan yang salah
  • dagu bayi jauh
  • tidak banyak areola yang masuk ke dalam mulut bayi
  • dagu tidak menyentuh payudara
  • ibu rasa sakit
  • payudara bolehbengkak dan puting luka

Pamplet Unit Pemakanan, Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Selangor
Disember 2006

Special Force 2012 Full Movie Download

Forces spéciales (Special Forces in English) is a 2011 French war adventure film by Stéphane Rybojad which was shot in France, Djibouti and Tajikistan. The film shows a group of elite French soldiers on a desperate hostage rescue mission in the Afghanistan/Pakistan area. Forces spéciales is mainly in French, though also partly in English.

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Tuesday 21 February 2012

Beauty And The Beast in 3D 2012 Full Movie Download

Beauty and the Beast is a 1991 American animated musical-fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and distributed byWalt Disney Pictures. The 30th film in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series and the third film of the Disney Renaissance period, the film is based on the fairy tale La Belle et la Bête by Jeanne-Marie Le Prince de Beaumont[3] and uses some ideas from the 1946 film of the same name.[4] The film centers around a prince who is transformed into a Beast and a young woman named Belle whom he imprisons in his castle. To become a prince again, the Beast must love Belle and win her love in return, or he will remain a Beast forever.
The film's animation screenplay was written by Linda Woolverton with story written by Roger Allers, Brenda Chapman, Chris Sanders, Burny Mattinson, Kevin Harkey, Brian Pimental, Bruce Woodside, Joe Ranft, Tom Ellery, Kelly Ashbury, and Robert Lence, directed by Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise, and produced by Don Hahn. The music of the film was composed by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman, both of whom had written the music and songs for Disney's The Little Mermaid.
Beauty and the Beast was released on November 13, 1991. The film was a significant commercial and critical success during its initial release, and has now earned $424 million in box office earnings throughout the world as of February 2012. Beauty and the Beast was also nominated for several awards, and won the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy, with two other awards for its music. Famously, Beauty and the Beast was the first ever animated film to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture, and was the only animated film to hold this honor until 2009, when the Academy Awards switched from 5 Best Picture nominations to 10, and Pixar's animated film Up was nominated. Beauty and the Beast received a total of six nominations, including Best Picture, Best Original Score, Best Sound, and three nominations for its song. It ended up winning two, for Best Original Score and Best Original Song for the song "Beauty and the Beast".
A direct-to-video midquel called Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas was released in 1997. It was followed in 1998 by another midquel, Belle's Magical World, and later by a stage production of the same name and a television spin-off series, Sing Me a Story with Belle. An IMAX special edition version of the original film was released in 2002, with a new five-minute musical sequence included. After the success of the 3D re-release of The Lion King, the film returned to theaters in 3D on January 13, 2012

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Star Wars Episode 1 3D The Phantom Menace Full Download

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is a 1999 American epic space opera film written and directed by George Lucas. It is the fourth film to be released in the Star Wars saga, as the first of a three-part prequel to the original Star Wars trilogy, as well as the first film in the saga in terms of story chronology. The Phantom Menace was also Lucas' first product as a film director after 22 years, and only his fourth overall.
The film follows the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, who escort and protect Queen Amidala in traveling from the planet Naboo to the planet Coruscant in the hope of finding a peaceful end to a large-scale interplanetary trade dispute. The film also features a young Anakin Skywalker before he became a Jedi, introduced as a young slave boy who seems to be unusually strong with nascent powers of The Force, and must contend with the mysterious return of the Sith.

Lucas began production of this motion picture after he had concluded that the science of movie special effects had advanced to the level of what he wanted for his fourth film in the Saga. Its filming took place during 1997 at various locations including Leavesden Film Studios and the Tunisian desert. Its special effects included extensive use of computer-generated imagery (CGI), with some of its characters and its settings being completely computerized and not existing at all in the real world.
The Phantom Menace premiered in theaters on May 19, 1999, sixteen years after the 1983 premiere of the previous film in the saga, Return of the Jedi. The film's premiere was accompanied by extensive media coverage and great anticipation. Despite mixed reviews by critics, who tended to praise the visuals and action sequences but criticize the writing, characterization and acting, it grossed $997,411,295 worldwide, making it the Star Wars film with the highest gross-income (unadjusted for inflation). A 3D re-release was released on February 10, 2012, and has made the film an additional $36,023,000 so far domestically.

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The Women In Black 2012 Full Movie Download

The Woman in Black is a 2012 horror-thriller film directed by James Watkins and written by Jane Goldman, and is based on Susan Hill's novel of the same name. It is produced by Hammer Film Productions. The film stars Daniel Radcliffe, Ciarán Hinds, Janet McTeer, Sophie Stuckey, and Liz White. It was released in the United States and Canada on 3 February 2012 to generally positive reviews, and was released in the United Kingdom on 10 February 2012.

Story Line
In the Edwardian era, young solicitor Arthur Kipps (Daniel Radcliffe) lives with his four-year-old son Joseph (Misha Handley) and his son's nanny (Jessica Raine). Kipps' wife Stella (Sophie Stuckey) died after childbirth. Kipps has visions of her and is facing financial problems along with stress from his firm. He is assigned to handle the estate of Alice Drablow who owned Eel Marsh House in the north east of England, where she had lived with her husband, son Nathaniel and sister Jennet Humfrye (Liz White). Although the locals are unwelcoming, Kipps takes a room in the local village inn and makes friends with Sam Daily (Ciarán Hinds), a wealthy landowner who invites Kipps to have dinner with him and his wife Elizabeth (Janet McTeer).

At Eel Marsh House, located on an island in the marshes which is linked to the mainland only by a long causeway which is covered at high tide, Kipps starts working on the paperwork, but he repeatedly hears footsteps and sees a woman dressed in black. Kipps reports the sighting at the local police station. While there, two boys bring in their sister Victoria (Alexia Osborne) who has drunk lye and she dies in Kipps's arms. She is not the first child in town to commit suicide and the townspeople believe the "Woman in Black" comes for their children as revenge for her child being taken from her.

Kipps and Sam arrive at the house of Jerome, the local solicitor. The house is empty and they hear a noise from the cellar. Kipps peers through a hole in the cellar door and jumps back when the face of a young girl, Lucy Jerome (Aoife Doherty) suddenly appears. The girl shouts at him, believing he killed Victoria.

After returning to the house, Kipps discovers that Nathaniel drowned during a carriage accident and Jennet hanged herself. Kipps also discovers notes claiming that Jennet was mentally unstable and was not allowed to care for Nathaniel who was actually her son, although this fact was hidden by Alice who raised him as her own.

The villagers desperately wanted Kipps to leave the village but he refuses, wanting to protect his job. Sam tells Kipps about the suicides and says that his only son drowned. Elizabeth says her son communicates through her by possession and she draws a hanging woman who Kipps realises is Jennet.

Later on, Kipps goes back to the house and Sam lends him his dog as company. Throughout the night, he has many paranormal experiences with the Woman in Black and all the children that committed suicide. In one scene the Woman in Black is about to attack Kipps as he sees a picture of Alice, Nathaniel and her husband and he notices Jennet in a window, Kipps looks back and sees no one and when he looks at the photo he sees the eyes of Mr and Mrs Drablow scratched. The next morning, Sam and Kipps return to town to see the local solicitor's house on fire. Kipps rushes inside to rescue Lucy the solicitor's daughter who has been locked in the cellar to protect her, where he sees the Woman in Black manipulate the girl into setting herself on fire.

Kipps visits Mrs Daily again. In a trance she reveals that Joseph is the next victim. Kipps realizes he must put Nathaniel to rest by giving him a proper burial. Kipps and Sam go to the Marsh, locate Nathaniel's body buried in the marsh, pull it out using Sam's car and lay him out in the nursery. The Woman in Black appears, attacks Kipps and leaves. They finally lay Nathaniel to rest by burying him with his real mother Jennet. After they leave the Woman in Black repeats a line from her letter to her sister: "I will never forgive".

Kipps is reunited with his son at the railway station and plans to leave immediately. While bidding Sam goodbye, Kipps turns to his son, Joseph, walking along the tracks towards a fast approaching train. Sam notices the woman in black along the platform as Kipps jumps onto the tracks to save Joseph. As the train passes, Sam looks through the windows to see the unrested souls of all the children the woman in black has claimed. Still standing on the tracks with Joseph, Kipps looks up to see the now deserted platform. Joseph says "Daddy, who is that lady?". Kipps looks around and smiles replying "That's your Mummy...". Realising he and his son have died he kisses his son and takes his wife's hand.

The three of them are reunited in death. As The Woman In Black watches them take their leave she stares directly into the camera as the scene cuts to black.

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The Devil Inside 2012 Full Movie Download Hacking Facebook.

The Devil Inside is an American supernatural horror film directed by William Brent Bell, and written by Bell and Matthew Peterman. It is a documentary-style found footage film about a woman who becomes involved in a series of exorcisms during her quest to determine what happened to her mother, a woman who murdered three people as a result of being possessed by a demon. Produced by Peterman and Morris Paulson, the film stars Fernanda Andrade, Simon Quarterman, Evan Helmuth, and Suzan Crowley, and was released theatrically on January 6, 2012.

The film received extremely negative reviews from critics and audiences alike. Despite the negative reaction, the film topped the box office on its opening weekend, yet continued to drop drastically in the second week, before disappearing completely from the box office top ten.

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Tren Anak Patung Kat Bwh Bumper Kereta Apa Hukum Dia

Ihsan google

Sudah tentu sahabat-sahabat pernah melihat ada orang yang meletakkan anak patung di bawah bumper kereta...Sebenarnya meletakkan anak patung bawah kereta adalah budaya orang Thailand.Mereka percaya roh orang yang mati kemalangan akan berlegar-legar di tempat mereka mati. Bagi mengelakkan roh menganggu mereka yang memandu, terutama roh kanak-kanak, jadi mereka memasang anak patung pada bumper kereta,Supaya roh kanak-kanak tenang.Trend ini dibawa oleh pemandu teksi Thai yang mahu meletakkan roh lain (dengan meletak anak patung) supaya roh orang mati dilanggar tidak menganggu kereta mereka.

Firman Allah, mafhumnya:Maka barangsiapa mengikuti petunjukKu maka ia tak akan sesat dan celaka. Dan barangsiapa berpaling tadah, tidak ingat kepadaKu maka baginya kehidupan yang sempit dan Kami akan membangkitnya di Hari Kiamat dalam keadaan buta." (Ta Ha : 123)

Sabda Rasulullah saw Bermaksud: “Siapa yang menyerupai suatu kaum, maka dia termasuk sebahagian daripada Mereka” (Riwayat Abu Daud).

Kesimpulannya janganlah mengikut sesuatu perkara tanpa sebarang usul periksa sama ada perkara berkenaan mengikut syariat islam atau pun tidak.Berhati-hatilah dengan perkara seperti ini kerana tanpa kita sedar kita telah mensyirikkan Allah S.W.T..

Monday 20 February 2012

Ghost Rider-.Spirit.of.Vengeance 2012 Full Movie Download Melayu Meletop

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance is a 3D superhero film based on the Marvel Comics antihero Ghost Rider. It is the sequel to the 2007 film Ghost Rider and features Nicolas Cage returning to his starring role as Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider. It is also the second film to be released under the Marvel Knights banner after 2008's Punisher: War Zone. The film was directed by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, from a screenplay written by David S. Goyer, Scott Gimple and Seth Hoffman. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance was released in theaters on February 17, 2012.

Story Line
Johnny Blaze, still struggling with the curse of being the Ghost Rider, is hiding out in a remote part of Eastern Europe when a secret sect of the church asks him to save a boy from the devil. At first Johnny is reluctant to use his power, but it's the only way to save the boy and possibly rid himself of this curse forever.

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Journey To Center To Earth 1998 Full Download Uia

On a quest to find out what happened to his missing brother, a scientist, his nephew and their mountain guide discover a fantastic and dangerous lost world in the center of the earth.

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River Monster Season 1-3 + Special Episod Full Kampung Baru Download

River Monsters is a documentary television series that airs on Animal Planet, hosted by Jeremy Wade and produced by Icon Films of Bristol, UK. The first season aired from 5 April to 17 May 2009. A second season began airing on 25 April 2010. The third season began on 10 April 2011.

After the show garnered high viewers and good ratings in the third season, on 9 June 2011, Animal Planet renewed the show for a fourth season, to be premiered in spring 2012.

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Season 1-3 Full Download

River Monster Special

American Chopper Senior Vs Junior Season 1-2 Full Gadis Melayu Download

American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior is a reality television spin-off, based on the original series American Chopper, which premiered on the TLC channel on August 12, 2010. The show chronicles the rivalry between Orange County Choppers (OCC) owned by Paul Teutul, Sr. and his son Paul Teutul, Jr.'s newly opened motorcycle business Paul Jr. Designs (PJD). The second season continued with brand new episodes that aired on Monday, August 29, 2011 at 9pm EST on Discovery Channel. The third season began on Feb. 13, 2012.

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 Season 1

Season 2

Ben 10 Season 1-4 Full Download Hush Puppy

Ben 10 is an acclaimed American media franchise created by "Man of Action" (a group consisting of Duncan Rouleau, Joe Casey, Joe Kelly, and Steven T. Seagle), and produced by Cartoon Network Studios. The franchise is about a boy who acquires a watch-like alien device called the Omnitrix (later the Ultimatrix) attached to his wrist that allows him to turn into alien creatures. In April 2008, Ben 10 (the original television series) was succeeded by Ben 10: Alien Force, which itself was succeeded in April 2010 by Ben 10: Ultimate Alien. The theme song for the first series was written by Andy Sturmer and sung by Moxy. The theme songs for both of the sequel series were instrumental. Reruns of previously aired episodes are currently being aired on Cartoon Network and its fellow television channel, Boomerang.

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Season 1-3

Season 4