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Saturday, 4 February 2012

Gandingan Ustaz Masa Kini Ustaz Don Dan Ustaz Uai

 Ustaz cool skg yg membawa islam dengan cara yg tersendiri..yg mampu menarik anak muda kita supaya kembali ke jalan yg lurus..ape slh bergaya janji tahu cara dan tak melanggar syariat islam.. jom tgk...

Nama: Don Daniyal Don Biyajid
Nama Panggilan : Ustaz Don
Tarikh lahir: 14 November 1984
Tempat lahir: Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang
Tinggi: 171 sentimeter
Berat: 56 kilogram
Pekerjaan: Pensyarah di KUIS & pendakwah bebas bertauliah Pulau Pinang & Selangor.
Status: Bujang (Bertunang dengan pelajar perubatan yang sedang belajar di tahun kelima jurusan perubatan di Universiti Kaherah, Mesir.)
Pendidikan: Ijazah Sarjana Muda Takhassus Qiraat dari Maahad Qiraat Shoubra, Mesir
Rancangan TV Ustaz Don: 30 Minit Bersama Ustaz Don (TV AL-HIJRAH)

 Ustaz Azhar Idrus

Berikut adalah butiran biodata mengenai beliau yang saya jumpa di beberapa blog.

  • # Bersekolah di Sekolah Inggeris Sultan Sulaiman Kuala Terengganu hingga Tingkatan 6.
  • # Pernah menjadi seorang guru muzik pada tahun 1985
  • # Mulai belajar agama sekitar tahun 1990.
  • # Belajar secara talaqqi lebih kurang dengan lapan orang guru dalam tempoh 12 tahun.
  • # Antara guru beliau ialah Tuan Guru Haji Muhammad Zin Pondok Lubuk Pandan Wakaf Tapai.

Selamat Menyambut Maulud Nabi 2012

MAULID berasal dari perkataan Arab yang bermakna melahirkan terutamanya merujuk kepada kelahiran bayi.
Namun dalam konteks hari ini ia dirujuk khusus kepada hari keputeraan Nabi Muhammad iaitu pada 12 Rabiulawal setiap tahun.
Sejarah ringkas
Sambutan Maulidur Rasul telah diasaskan oleh kerajaan Fatimiah di Mesir yang meraikannya secara besar-besaran.
Mereka bukan sahaja meraikan hari keputeraan Rasulullah, tetapi juga yang membabitkan ahli keluarga baginda Zainab, Hassan, Hussain.
Walau bagaimanapun, semua perayaan ini telah dihentikan pada tahun 488 H atas perintah Perdana Menteri, al-Afdal Shahindah yang berpegang kuat pada sunnah seperti tercatit di dalam buku Al-Kamel, karangan Ibnu Al-Atheer.
Ia berhenti diraikan sehingga Al-Ma’moon Al-Bataa’ni memegang kuasa kerajaan.
Apabila kerajaan al-Ayubbiyyah merampas kuasa, semua perayaan itu sekali lagi dihentikan.
Namun begitu, masyarakat tetap merayakannya di kalangan keluarga mereka secara tertutup.
Pada Abad ke-7, Putera Muzafar Al-Deen Abi Sa’d Kawakbri Ibn Zein Ed-Deen ‘Ali- Ibn Tabakatikin telah mewartakan perayaan Maulid Nabi di Bandar Irbil.
Muzafar yang merupakan seorang sunni mengambil berat akan perayaan Maulidur Rasul hingga memerintahkan persediaan seperti mendirikan khemah, menghias khemah dan pelbagai lagi dilaksanakan seawal dan sebaik mungkin.
Setiap kali selepas solat Asar, Muzafar akan menyaksikan perayaan itu dalam khemah yang telah didirikan.
Hujah membolehkan Maulidur Rasul
Antara ulama yang menyokong Maulidur Rasul terutamanya Imam Jalaluddin Sayuti dan Sheikh Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradawi.
Imam Jalaluddin Sayuti:
“Ibadat macam itu adalah bidaah hasanah (bidaah baik) yang diberi pahala mengerjakannya kerana dalam amal ibadat itu terdapat suasana membesarkan Nabi, melahirkan kesukaan dan kegembiraan atas lahirnya Nabi Muhammad SAW yang mulia”.
Sheikh Dr. Yusuf al Qaradawi: “Semua telah sedia maklum bahawa sahabat-sahabat Rasulullah tidak merayakan hari kelahiran Rasulullah.
“Ini kerana mereka telah menyaksikan secara langsung setiap gerak-geri Rasulullah dan seterusnya ingatan terhadap Rasulullah itu kekal di dalam hati dan juga ingatan.
“Sa’d bin Abi Waqas mengatakan bahawa beliau begitu ghairah untuk menceritakan mengenai Rasulullah kepada kanak-kanak sama seperti mana keghairahan mereka mendidik anak-anak itu mengenai al-Quran.
“Oleh kerana mereka sering menceritakan sejarah perjuangan Rasulullah, maka tidak perlulah merayakan seperti mana dirayakan Maulid Rasul kini.
“Bagaimanapun, generasi terkemudian telah mula melupakan kegemilangan sejarah Islam dan kesannya.
“Dengan itu, perayaan Maulid Rasul diadakan bertujuan mengingati sejarah Islam ketika Rasulullah masih hidup. Sebenarnya, meraikan hari kelahiran nabi bermakna meraikan hari kelahiran Islam.
“Maka dibolehkan meraikan Maulid nabi ini dengan syarat tidak dicampur-adukkan dengan perkara-perkara bidaah. Tetapi sebaliknya diisi dengan ceramah yang menceritakan akan sejarah Islam”.
Antara dalil bagi yang membolehkan Maulid ini:
1) Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: Maka orang yang beriman kepadanya (Muhammad saw) memuliakannya, menolongnya dan mengikuti cahaya yang terang yang diturunkan kepadanya (al-Quran) mereka itulah yang beruntung. (al-A’raf: 157)
Keterangan: Tujuan maulud adalah untuk memuliakan Nabi Muhammad. Maka perayaan maulud masuk dalam umum ayat tersebut.
2) Firman Allah yang bermaksud: Dan ingatkanlah mereka dengan hari-hari Allah. (Ibrahim: 5)
Keterangan: Al-Baihaqi di dalam Syakbu al-Iman daripada Ubai bin Kaab daripada Nabi SAW, sesungguhnya baginda menafsirkan ‘hari-hari Allah’ adalah hari-hari nikmat dan kurniaan Allah. Al-Alusi dalam Ruh al-Ma’animenjelaskan lagi dengan katanya “kelahiran Nabi merupakan nikmat yang paling besar”.
3) Bahawasanya Nabi Muhammad datang ke Madinah maka beliau mendapati orang Yahudi berpuasa pada hari Asyura iaitu hari 10 Muharam, maka Nabi bertanya kepada orang yahudi itu: “Kenapa kamu berpuasa pada hari Asyura?” Jawab mereka: “Ini adalah hari peringatan, pada hari itu dikaramkan Firaun dan pada hari itu Musa dibebaskan, kami berpuasa kerana bersyukur kepada Tuhan”.
Maka Nabi berkata: “Kami lebih patut menghormati Musa berbanding kamu”. (riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalani pengarang Syarah Bukhari yang bernama Fathul Bari berkata, bahawa dari hadis itu dapat dipetik hukum: Umat Islam dibolehkan bahkan dianjur memperingati hari-hari bersejarah, hari-hari yang dianggap besar umpamanya hari-hari Maulud, Israk dan Mikraj dan lain-lain.
- Nabi pun memperingati hari karamnya Firaun dan bebasnya Musa dengan melakukan puasa asyura sebagai bersyukur atas hapusnya yang batil dan tegaknya yang hak.


In international law, contraband is enemy goods carried by vessels of neutral nations during wartime that may be confiscated by a belligerent power and thus prohibited from delivery to the enemy.[1] Traditionally, contraband is classified into two categories, absolute contraband and conditional contraband. The former category includes arms, munitions, and various materials, such as chemicals and certain types of machinery that may be used directly to wage war or be converted into instruments of war.
Conditional contraband, formerly known as occasional contraband, consists of such materials as provisions and livestock feed. Cargo of this kind, while presumably innocent in character, is subject to seizure if, in the opinion of the belligerent nation that seizes them, the supplies are destined for the armed forces of the enemy rather than for civilian use and consumption. In former agreements among nations, certain other commodities, including soap, paper, clocks, agricultural machinery and jewelry, have been classified as non-contraband, although these distinctions have proved meaningless in practice.
Under conditions of modern warfare, in which armed conflict has largely become a struggle involving the total populations of the contending powers, virtually all commodities are classified by belligerents as absolute contraband.
During the American Civil WarConfederate-owned slaves who sought refuge in Union military camps or who lived in territories that fell under Union control were declared "contraband of war." This policy was first articulated by General Benjamin F. Butler in 1861, in what came to be known as the "Fort Monroe Doctrine," established in Hampton, Virginia. By war's end, the Union had set up 100 contraband camps in the South, and the Roanoke Island Freedmen's Colony (1863–1867) was developed to be a self-sustaining colony.[2] Many adult freedmen worked for wages for the Army at such camps, teachers were recruited from the North for their schools by the American Missionary Association, and thousands of freedmen enlisted from such camps in the United States Colored Troops to fight with the Union against the Confederacy.[3]
Numerous treaties defining contraband have been concluded among nations. In time of war, the nations involved have invariably violated these agreements, formulating their own definitions as the fortunes of war indicated. The Declaration of London, drafted at the London Naval Conference of 1908–1909, and made partly effective by most of the European maritime nations at the outbreak of World War I, established comprehensive classifications of absolute and conditional contraband. As the war developed, the lists of articles in each category were constantly revised by the various belligerents, despite protests by neutral powers engaged in the carrying trade. By 1916 the list of conditional contraband included practically all waterborne cargo. Thereafter, for the duration of World War I, nearly all cargo in transit to an enemy nation was treated as contraband of war by the intercepting belligerent, regardless of the nature of the cargo. A similar policy was inaugurated by the belligerent powers early in World War II.
Under international law, the citizens of neutral nations are entitled to trade, at their own risk, with any or all powers engaged in war. No duty to restrain contraband trade is imposed on the neutral governments, but neither have neutral governments the right to interfere on behalf of citizens whose property is seized by one belligerent while in transit to another. The penalty traditionally imposed by belligerents on neutral carriers engaged in commercial traffic with the enemy consists of confiscation of cargo. By the people of London, this was extended to include condemnation of the carrying vessel provided that more than half the cargo was contraband. The right of warring nations to sink neutral ships transporting contraband is not recognized in international law, but this practice was initiated by Germany in World War I and was often resorted to by the Axis Powers in World War II.
The possibility that two or more different sub-classifications of contraband, either absolute or conditional, such as weapons, drugs, people etc., could or would be smuggled by the same smuggling network or during the same smuggling run referred to as Multi Consignment Contraband smuggling was studied in 2009.[4] The study located sixteen different cases of Multi Consignment contraband which occurred around the world – four of which were targeting the United States of America. A 2011 study comparing North America, the Middle East and Asia smuggling tunnels identified smuggling tunnels dug and maintained by different groups ranging from small family business to terrorist organizations.[5] The primary purposes of Middle East tunnels were to generate a profit and other tunnels’ primary purpose was to support terrorists, either through profit or action missions. The majority of the smuggling tunnels in the Middle East smuggled Multi Consignment Contraband, specifically conditional contraband although some smuggled both conditional and absolute including terrorist action missions (Hybrid tunnels). Most Hybrid tunnels rarely smuggled both conditional and absolute contraband at the same time because conditional and absolute contraband served different purposes. North American tunnels smuggled drugs and North America sewer/drainage ditched tunnels supported both drug and people smuggling. Asian smuggling tunnels in North Korea supported absolute contraband, principally terrorist action missions.
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Buang Suara Kita Carok

Karaoke Sound Tools is an easy to use software package for karaoke audio processing. It contains three modules:
Vocal remover to remove vocal parts from CD recordings
Control the amount of bass and treble processing
Remove vocals from non-centered recordings using balance
Adjust vocal removing level and output attenuation
Create multiplex tracks (with vocal in left and instrumental part in right channel)
Key changer to adjust the song to singers voice
change the pitch in -12 to +12 semitone (half-note steps) range
after processing, music instruments have no chipmunk or time speed up or down, holding the tempo the same as if the original studio recorded in your key
you can process karaoke songs with lyrics (BIN and MP3G)
Tempo changer to speed up or slow down the song
change the tempo of the song from two times slower to twice as fast
tempo changer retains the original key of the song
you can process karaoke songs with lyrics -- they will be adjusted to stay in sync
All these tools can be fine-tuned in real time, and work with MP3, WAV, BIN, and CDG files. 
If you use a karaoke BIN or MP3G file and use tempo changer, the graphics part of the song will be adjusted so the lyrics are in sync with slower or faster version of the song. No other software has this feature.
Advanced preview allows to:
listen to the processing result in the realtime
control the playback position
play selected part of the song in loop for fine-tuning

password: makanlah

Friday, 3 February 2012

Google Adsense Di Blog Anda

Google menggunakan teknologi carian internet untuk menyampaikan iklan yang berdasarkan kandungan laman web, lokasi geografi pengguna, dan faktor-faktor lain. Mereka yang ingin mengiklankan dengan sistem iklan Google disasarkan boleh mendaftar melalui Google AdWords. AdSense telah menjadi sebuah syarikat yang popular dalam mencipta dan meletakkan iklan banner di laman web, kerana iklan kurang mengganggu daripada kebanyakan sepanduk, dan kandungan iklan sering berkaitan dengan laman web.

Banyak laman web yang menggunakan AdSense untuk mendapatkan wang daripada kandungan mereka; ia merupakan rangkaian iklan yang paling popular. AdSense telah sangat penting untuk menyampaikan hasil pengiklanan kepada laman web yang kecil yang tidak mempunyai sumber untuk membangunkan program jualan pengiklanan dan jualan orang untuk menjana pendapatan dengan. Untuk mengisi laman web dengan iklan-iklan yang berkaitan dengan topik yang dibincangkan, webmaster meletakkan kod HTML ringkas pada muka surat laman. Laman web yang kaya dengan kandungan yang sangat berjaya dengan program pengiklanan ini, seperti yang dicatatkan dalam beberapa kajian kes penerbit di laman web AdSense. Penerbit AdSense hanya boleh meletakkan tiga unit iklan per halaman.
Sesetengah webmaster meletakkan usaha yang signifikan ke dalam memaksimumkan pendapatan AdSense mereka sendiri. Mereka melakukan ini dengan tiga cara: [perlu petikan]

Mereka menggunakan pelbagai teknik menjana trafik, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada pengiklanan dalam talian.
Mereka membina kandungan berharga di laman web mereka yang menarik iklan AdSense, yang membayar paling apabila mereka diklik.
Mereka menggunakan kandungan teks pada laman web mereka yang menggalakkan pengunjung untuk klik pada iklan. Perhatikan bahawa Google melarang webmaster daripada menggunakan frasa seperti "Klik pada iklan AdSense saya" untuk meningkatkan kadar klik. Ungkapan-ungkapan yang diterima adalah "Sponsored Links" dan "Advertisements".
Sumber pendapatan AdSense semua adalah program AdWords, yang sebaliknya pula mempunyai model harga yang kompleks berdasarkan lelong harga kedua Vickrey. AdSense menyuruh pengiklan untuk mengemukakan bida terkedap (iaitu, tawaran yang tidak dapat dilihat oleh pesaing). Selain itu, untuk klik mana-mana yang diterima, pengiklan hanya membayar satu tawaran kenaikan di atas tawaran kedua tertinggi. Google masa ini berkongsi 68% daripada hasil yang dijana oleh AdSense dengan rakan-rakan rangkaian kandungan, dan 51% daripada hasil yang dijana oleh AdSense dengan AdSense untuk rakan kongsi

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The Grey 2012 full movie

John Ottway (Liam Neeson) works in Alaska hunting the wolves that threaten an oil drilling team. On his last day on the job, Ottway pens a letter to his wife Ana (Anne Openshaw) and plans to commit suicide. While holding his gun to his mouth, however, Ottway hears the howl of a wolf, which stops him.
Upon the completion of the job, the team and Ottway embark on a plane home in a blizzard. The plane cannot withstand the weather and it crashes in the middle of nowhere. Ottway awakens and finds Todd Flannery (Joe Anderson) along with Talget (Dermot Mulroney), Diaz (Frank Grillo), Hendrick (Dallas Roberts), Burke (Nonso Anozie), Hernandez (Ben Bray) and a dying Lewenden (James Badge Dale). Lewenden is mortally injured and Ottway knows he is going to die. He calms Lewenden, who eventually accepts his situation and dies peacefully.
Ottway assumes leadership of the group and sets the survivors to task collecting material for a fire. While Ottway is searching for wood, he sees a woman in need of help, but soon finds her being eaten by a gray wolf who also attacks Ottway. He is quickly rescued by the others and explains that they are most likely standing in the wolves' territory and are unwelcome. After getting a fire started, the survivors take turns keeping watch. While urinating during watch, Hernandez is killed by a wolf. The remaining survivors find his body in the morning and Ottway suggests they leave the crash site because they are wide open to attack. Diaz questions Ottway's leadership and begins defying his orders. Before they leave, Ottway and the others remove the wallets from many of the bodies with the intent of eventually returning them to surviving family members.
While hiking across the snow, Flannery falls behind and is killed by three wolves. The rest continue on and make camp in the woods, where tension between Ottway and Diaz comes to a head as the survivors create makeshift weaponry. Diaz threatens Ottway with his knife and elbows Talget in the face, but is ultimately disarmed and overtaken by Ottway. The wolves are close by and the survivors meet the alpha male wolf who sends an omega male to test Diaz. However, the survivors are able to kill the wolf and eat it. Diaz severs its head and throws it back to the wolves as a symbol of defiance. The group bonds over personal stories while Burke begins to suffer and hallucinate from the high elevation. A blizzard approaches the camp and Burke eventually falls unconscious and freezes to death.
Further in their travels, the dwindling survivors come across a high canyon wall within which, screened by trees, they identify a river and a possible route of escape. Ottway suggests having one person jump to the trees on the opposite side to secure a line as a means of traverse. Hendrick leaps to the trees and secures the finish end of the traverse. Diaz and Ottway make it across the line to join Hendrick, but Talget, who is afraid of heights, loses his glasses on the way and freezes out of fear. He reluctantly continues across, but soon finds himself caught in the makeshift rope by an accessorizing ring attached to his boot. Talget struggles to untangle himself, but the strained line breaks and he crashes through the trees to the ground. Badly wounded, Talget is attacked and dragged away by wolves. While attempting to save Talget, Diaz falls from the tree and severely injures his knee.
The three remaining continue their trek and make it to the river, but an exhausted Diaz can make it no further, preferring to stay and die than go on when he has nothing waiting for him at home. Hendrick tries to convince Diaz to carry on, but Ottway tells him it is futile. They give each other final goodbyes and Diaz is left on the riverside as crackling of branches caused by wolves are heard in the distance.
Ottway and Hendrick continue, but are soon chased by the pack again. Fleeing, they both fall in the river and Hendrick gets his foot stuck between underwater rocks and drowns despite Ottway's attempts to save him. Ottway then curses God and asks for his help, but receives no response. Ottway continues on, but seems to despair, dropping to his knees. He pulls out each wallet collected from the dead, examines the personal photographs inside them and places them in a pile against the snow, adding his own wallet and letter to the pile. While he is going through the wallets, the pack of wolves surround him, leading Ottway to discover that he has walked right into their den. He is soon spotted by the Alpha male and the other members of the pack back off. Ottway has a vision of his wife, wherein she is dying on a hospital bed.
In the final scene, Ottway decides to fight for his life, emptying the contents of the backpack he's carrying. He tapes miniature alcohol bottles to his fist, then smashes them and tapes a knife to his other fist, and recites his father's poem aloud. The film then ends with a Ottway & the Alpha lunging at each other, followed by a cut to black, and the film's credits. Along with the post-credits scene, the film's ending is open to interpretation and is the subject of much debate and controversy.

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Haywire-2012-CAMrip movie full

Mallory Kane (Gina Carano) enters a diner in Upstate New York and waits. A car arrives and Aaron (Channing Tatum) joins her. After a short conversation about their employer, Aaron orders Mallory to get in his car. She refuses, and they fight, with Aaron nearly capturing Mallory before the intervention of Scott (Michael Angarano), a customer in the diner, allows Mallory to break Aaron's arm, knock him unconscious, and escape with Scott in Scott's car.
Mallory tells Scott that both she and Aaron are contractors with a private firm employed by the American government for covert operation assignments. One week before, at a meeting among government agent Coblenz (Michael Douglas), his contact, Rodrigo (Antonio Banderas), and the firm's director (and Mallory's ex-boyfriend) Kenneth (Ewan McGregor), the firm was hired to rescue Jiang (Anthony Brandon Wong), who is being held in Barcelona. Mallory and her team, which includes Aaron, succeed in rescuing Jiang and delivering him to Rodrigo.
Shortly thereafter, Mallory is approached by Kenneth, who insists she undertake what he claims is an easy assignment: pose as the wife of British agent Paul (Michael Fassbender) during a mission in Dublin. Mallory agrees and accompanies Paul to a party at Russborough House, where they meet with his contact, Studer (Mathieu Kassovitz). Paul meets with Studer again as Mallory watches from afar. She sees Paul go into a barn, and after he leaves she enters it to find Jiang dead, clutching in his hand a brooch which Kenneth required her to wear as a recognition signal for her initial contact with Paul.
Mallory realizes she has been set up and returns to her hotel room, where she is attacked by Paul. They fight, Mallory gets the upper hand and shoots Paul dead. Mallory calls Kenneth from Paul's phone. As Kenneth picks up the phone, he asks "is the divorce final?" Mallory doesn't answer, and Kenneth realizes that Mallory is still alive and now knows about the set-up. As Mallory leaves her hotel, a SWAT team appears to arrest her but she escapes after a chase, and manages to enter the United States and reach the diner, where she meets Scott.
Mallory calls Coblenz who tells her that he has had suspicions about Kenneth for some time. Coblenz then contacts Kenneth and tells him to inform Mallory's father, John Kane (Bill Paxton) (who already knows of his daughter's occupation), of her crimes. Meanwhile, on the road, Mallory and Scott are chased by the police and hit a tree after a deer runs into Scott's car. They are both arrested, but soon the convoy is ambushed by assassins sent by Kenneth. Mallory escapes, kills the assassins, and releases Scott. She gives him a number to call for protection and leaves to meet with her father.
Mallory reaches her father's house in New Mexico before Kenneth, Aaron, and two additional men arrive to interrogate John on his daughter's whereabouts. Aaron starts to realize that Mallory might have been set up and tries to press Kenneth for the truth, but Kenneth shoots him dead. Kenneth escapes as Mallory takes out his men.
The following day Mallory meets with Coblenz, who reveals that he ordered Kenneth to contact Mallory's father so she could kill him there. Mallory asks Coblenz to fix things with Scott, which he promises to do. Coblenz also informs Mallory of Kenneth's location. Before Mallory leaves, Coblenz offers her a government job but she replies only that she'll let him know, after she finds Kenneth.
In Mexico, Mallory confronts Kenneth at the beach and they fight. Kenneth tries to escape, but gets his foot jammed between two rocks. Kenneth reveals that Jiang was a journalist who had written a series of articles exposing Studer's crimes. Knowing that Mallory planned to leave his firm, Kenneth arranged for her to rescue Jiang and deliver him to Rodrigo, who then delivered him to Studer, who killed him. Kenneth then framed Mallory, planning to cut all ties that could lead to him by convincing Paul that Mallory was a double agent whom he should kill. Mallory leaves Kenneth to drown in the incoming tide for his betrayal.
Rodrigo is enjoying his "retirement" in Majorca. After his female companion is called away, Mallory descends onto the balcony behind him. When Rodrigo sees Mallory, his response is simply, "Shit", and the film ends.
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Viral Factor movie 2012 full


On a mission to protect a scientist who has stolen a copy of the smallpox virus, Sean (Andy On) betrays his team of police officers in order to get the virus so he can mutate it into a biological weapon, develop a vaccine and sell it to a corrupt pharmaceutical company. The failed mission leaves Jon Man (Jay Chou) injured and his girlfriend Ice (Bai Bing) dead. With two weeks to live, he decides to spend his remaining days with his mother (Elaine Jin) who tells him that he has a long lost brother, Man Yeung (Nicholas Tse) whom she left behind with his father, Man Tin (Liu Kai Chi). Jon decides to track Yeung down in Malaysia but upon arrival, he discovers that Yeung has become a wanted felon and is part of the plot orchestrated by Sean. Jon is drawn into the conflict, not only to protect his family but to ensure his brother does not go further down the road of unrighteousness and to take down Sean's operation for good.

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