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Monday, 23 January 2012

ayak kencing tikuh bahayo

Leptospirosis sebabkan komplikasi seperti kegagalan fungsi hati, buah pinggang dan jangkitan kuman di otak

LEPTOSPIROSIS atau jangkitan yang dibawa haiwan, termasuk daripada keluarga tikus dikategorikan sebagai jarang berlaku biarpun ia sebenarnya bukanlah asing kepada penduduk negara ini.

Pada Mei tahun lalu misalnya, kita dikejutkan dengan jangkitan leptospirosis membabitkan enam tahanan warga Myanmar di Depoh Tahanan Imigresen, Juru Pulau Pinang.
Ia turut dikenali dengan pelbagai nama seperti Penyakit Weil, Demam Icterohemorrhage, Penyakit Swineherd's, Demam pesawah (Rice-field fever), Demam Pemotong tebu (Cane-cutter fever), Demam Swamp, Demam Lumpur, Jaundis berdarah, Penyakit Stuttgart, Demam Canicola.

Ketua Jabatan Perubatan, Hospital Sungai Buloh, Dr Christopher Lee berkata, leptospirois berpunca daripada pendedahan terhadap bakterium ‘leptospira interrogans.’

“Jangkitan terhadap manusia selalunya melalui air yang dicemari kuping kulit dan lendir hidung, mulut dan mata tikus. Bagaimanapun, leptospirosis tidak menyebabkan jangkitan daripada manusia kepada manusia,” katanya.

Jelas Lee, jangkitan ini berlaku di seluruh dunia terutama di negara beriklim tropika. Pusat Kawalan Penyakit dan Pencegahan Amerika Syarikat misalnya merekodkan 100 ke 200 kes leptospirosis setahun di negara maju itu dengan dengan 50 peratus daripadanya berlaku di Hawaii.

Kes leptospirosis biasanya meningkat apabila musim hujan atau banjir. Bagaimanapun, sehingga kini tiada rekod jumlah kes sebenar leptospirosis yang berlaku di seluruh dunia. Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) sebaliknya cuma memberi anggaran kes antara 0.1 atau 1 kes per 100 000 penduduk setahun di kawasan tropika.
Tanpa alasan yang kukuh, leptospirosis selalu terlepas pandang dan tidak banyak laporan mengenainya dibuat.

Kerap kali, mereka yang terbabit dengan aktiviti luar atau petani lebih berisiko terhadap leptospirosis.

Rekod WHO menunjukkan antara kes wabak leptospirosis yang meragut banyak nyawa adalah ketika Taufan Mitch pada 1995. Wabak leptospirosis yang dilaporkan di Nicaragua itu membabitkan komplikasi pendarahan di paru-paru. Pada 1998, wabak itu melanda kawasan tengah Amerika Syarikat. Tahun yang sama ia berlaku di Peru dan Ecuador disebabkan banjir besar.

Pada 21 September 2000, empat kematian direkodkan di Perancis membabitkan peserta merentas desa, Eco-Challenge. Tarikh yang sama di Kanada enam kes disyaki dijangkiti leptospirosis juga membabitkan peserta merentas desa Eco-Challenge. Sementara pada 17 Jun 2004, Kementerian Kesihatan Kenya melaporkan enam kematian dan 141 kes jangkitan leptospirosis dilaporkan di sekolah menengah di Bungoma, Kenya.

Komplikasi jangkitan ini termasuk jangkitan kuman di otak (meningitis), pendarahan yang teruk, kegagalan fungsi hati dan buah pinggang.

Di antara faktor risikonya adalah:
  • 1) Pekerjaan yang terdedah kepada persekitaran - misalnya petani, peladang, tentera, pesawah, pekerja sistem pembetungan atau doktor haiwan.
  • 2) Aktiviti rekreasi seperti berenang dalam air yang dicemari bakterium leptospira atau berkayak.
  • 3) Terdedah kepada peralatan di rumah yang digunakan untuk penyembelihan, peliharaan anjing atau makanan yang digigit binatang seperti tikus, tupai dan arnab.

  • 1) Leptospirosis tiada gejala yang khusus.
  • 2) Umumnya masa pengeraman kuman itu di antara dua hingga 26 hari.
  • 3) Pada peringkat awal ia akan membuat tubuh menggigil dan demam. Gejala ini membabitkan 75 - 100 peratus pesakit.
  • 4) Batuk tidak berkahak ( 25 - 35 peratus pesakit)
  • 5) Loya, muntah, cirit-birit, sakit sendi, sakit tulang, sakit tekak, sakit perut. Bagaimanapun ia gejala yang kurang berlaku
  • 6) Radang selaput mata
  • 7) Antara tujuh hingga 40 peratus pesakit mungkin mengalami sakit otot, limpa atau hati membengkak, bengkak kelenjar, otot mengeras dan ruam. (Sumber -

INFO: Leptospirosis
  • Jangkitan penyakit yang disebabkan bakterium.
  • Menjangkiti manusia melalui pendedahan terhadap air kencing atau tisu haiwan yang dijangkiti
  • Progres dalam dua fasa tanpa simptom khusus.
  • Boleh didiagnos melalui darah, air kencing selain menggunakan ujian antibodi.
  • Pencegahannya termasuk elakkan mengunjungi kawasan yang ada air bertakung terutama di kawasan iklim tropika.


Sunday, 22 January 2012

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Paypal, mungkin beberapa dai anda sudah tidak asing lagi dengan kata ini. Ya, Paypal adalah sebuah situs alah satu alat pembayaran (Payment procesors) menggunakan internet yang terbanyak digunakan didunia dan teraman Anda bisa memiliki sebuah rekening paypal dengan cara melakukan registrasi secara gratis di situs resmi paypal. Berikut ini adalah langkah-langkah yang harus anda lakukan untuk membuat paypal:
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Pada bagian ini, anda akan diminta untuk memasukkan nomor kartu kredit anda guna memverifikasi paypal anda. Namun, jika anda belum memiliki kartu kredit atau anda merasa ragu untuk menggunakannya, saya sarankan untuk diabaikan saja dan langsung mengklik link “Go to My Account / masuk ke akun saya” untuk masuk kedalam account rekening paypal anda
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final destination 5 full

Sam Lawton (Nicholas D'Agosto), is on his way to a company retreat with his coworkers. While crossing the North Bay Bridge, Sam suffers a premonition that the bridge will collapse, killing everyone and himself. Panicked, he persuades his girlfriend Molly Harper (Emma Bell), his friends Peter Freidkin (Miles Fisher) and Nathan Sears (Arlen Escarpeta), Peter's girlfriend Candice Hooper (Ellen Wroe), his boss Dennis Lapman (David Koechner), Candice's rival Olivia Castle (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and coworker Isaac Palmer (P.J. Byrne) to leave the bridge before it collapses. Following the memorial service, local coroner William Bludworth (Tony Todd) mysteriously warns the survivors that they cheated Death. They ignore his warnings and move on with their lives.
Later, Candice goes to gymnastics practice with Peter, but a chain reaction causes her to fall off the highbars and snap her spine. The next day, Isaac is killed when his head is crushed by a falling Buddha statue during an acupuncture session at a Chinese spa. Bludworth, who has been present for both deaths so far, tells the remaining survivors that if they wish to cheat Death, they must kill someone who was never meant to die on the bridge, and thereby claim their remaining lifespan. Sam and Molly suspect that Olivia, who has gone for laser eye surgery, is next and that she's in danger. They arrive at the clinic but are too late to see her fall to her death from a window onto a car's windshield. Later, after Sam and Molly studied Death's design, they notice that Nathan is next on Death's list.
Meanwhile, Nathan, who has returned to the plant, accidentally kills his antagonistic co-worker Roy Carson (Brent Stait) during an argument between the two when he shoves him in the path of a lifting hook, impaling his head. Nathan relays this information to the remaining survivors, who suggest that it means Nathan was successfully able to claim Roy's remaining lifespan and thus was skipped over. When Dennis arrives to question Nathan about the incident, he is suddenly killed when a stray wrench is launched by a belt sander and penetrated through his head.
That evening, Sam's mentor allows him to become an apprentice in Paris. He allows Sam to have the restaurant to himself for a date with Molly. Peter, who has now been driven paranoid and insane by Candice's death, interrupts the date in order to inform them that he nearly pushed a stranger in front of a truck after convincing himself that he would be able to kill someone else in order to take their lifespan; subsequently, he has decided to kill Molly and take her remaining lifespan for himself. After drawing a gun and firing shots, Sam and Molly both escape to the restaurant's kitchen. Nearby outside, Agent Block (Courtney B. Vance) overhears the shots and enters the restaurant. He arrives during the confrontation, but is shot and killed by Peter. Believing he is now safe from Death for taking Block's lifespan, he decides to kill both Molly and Sam to remove any witnesses. After some struggling, Sam kills Peter with a meat spit before he can harm Molly.
Two weeks later, Sam and Molly are boarding a plane to Paris. As they are taking their seats, a fight breaks out between two passengers, revealed to be Carter Horton and Alex Browning. Resulting their removal at the plane with the others. Sam checks the flight seats, and he sees the date as May 13, 2000, on Flight 180. The plane starts to break apart in mid-air, but realizing they are too late to save themselves, both are killed in the resulting accident.
Meanwhile, at Roy's memorial, Nathan learns from a co-worker that Roy was on a autopsy had a brain aneurysm that doctors said could have killed him in a matter of days. As Nathan realizes that he actually didn't save himself, the landing gear from Flight 180 crashes through the roof of the building and crushes him.

part 1: tekan
part 2: tekan
part 3: tekan

Cirque Du Freak: The Vampires Assistant 2009

Young Darren Shan has been fascinated by spiders from an early age. His best friend, Steve "Leopard" Leonard has grown up reading horror comics and stories of the werewolves and vampires. Steve, Darren, and their friends find out about a freak show called Cirque du Freak and plan on buying tickets. Their teacher finds out about the freak show and tries to shut it down. Steve is there, and is about to leave when Mr. Tall, the ring master, hands him two tickets. Darren gets the other ticket. After viewing the "Cirque du Freak" Darren and Steve are mesmerized by the fantastic and disturbing show, especially by the act of the mysterious Mr. Crepsley and his giant, deathly poisonous spider, Madam Octa.
When the show ends, Steve goes back to talk to Mr. Crepsley about turning him into a vampire. He takes a taste of his blood and says that Steve's blood is evil, and that he cannot be a vampire. He declines the offer from Steve, who then declares revenge on Mr. Crepsley and storms out of the theater. Darren, who was watching this conversation, was confused why Steve wanted to be a vampire. But, at the same time he had his eyes on a bigger prize, Madam Octa, a blue/purple/black poisonous spider that was able to do tricks that was owned by Mr. Crepsley. So very early in the morning he sneaks back to the Cirque and steals Madam Octa. He brings the spider back to his house and feeds it and takes care of it, until one day Steve comes to his house and plays with the spider with Darren. Annie comes into his room and screams so Darren has lost control of her. She bites Steve's neck, paralyzing him and sending him to the hospital. Darren visits Mr. Crepsley hoping he will have an antidote, which he does but he wants Darren to be a half-vampire and his assistant in return. Darren doesn't want to become a half-vampire assistant but accepts the terms anyway to save Steve's life.
They rush to the hospital. After Mr. Crespley gives Steve the antidote and Darren is assured that he will be Ok, Darren escapes and attempts to live amongst his friends and family once more. Things become awkward between Darren and Steve after that, and Darren is fighting his vampiric urges to feast on the blood of his friends and family. After almost attacking his little sister Annie he decides that it would be best to go with Mr. Crepsley because he's too dangerous around humans. Darren has to fake his death in order to leave his family behind, but at his funeral Steve knows that Darren isn't dead by the tiny scars on the tips of his fingers and his saliva. As Darren and Mr. Crepsley are leaving Steve confronts Darren and vows revenge on him for betraying him, cutting a cross shape scar in the palm of his hand. Darren attempts to tell Steve that he didn't want that life for himself and that he did it to save him, but Steve won't listen and he finds himself being chased out of his hometown forever, becoming Steve Leonard's nemesis.

Friday, 20 January 2012

ustaz feat zizan ganu...terbaek

Ceramah Ustaz Azhar Idrus Bersama Zizan 

[Countdown 2012 Shah Alam] HD 720p MP4Mediafire

Nama ustaz azhar idrus kian meniti dibibir anak-anak muda. terbaru beliau bersama zizan dan beberapa selebriti lain memeriahkan malam tahun baru 2012 di selangor apabila dengan bersahaja bermain muzik dengan anak muda kelahiran terengganu (zizan).Ceramah yang bersahaja dan spontan yang dikeluarkan oleh ustaz berdialek ganu ini betul-betul menggamit perhatian tetamu yang hadir di setiap majlis ilmu yang hadirinya.

Ustaz azhar idrus yang begitu dekat dihati muda-mudi mempunyai daya tarikan tersendiri apabila jika di tanya soalan, beliau akan menjawab dengan santai dan diikuti dengan lawak spontan. cara ustaz ini menyampaikan dakwah amat terkesan dihati hadirin yang hadir.


Soalan 1: Apakah hukum countdown newyear?
Soalan 2: Apakah hukum main bunga api?

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Soalan 3: Langgar lampu merah dibolehkan?
Soalan 4: Betulkah alat muzik itu najis?
Soalan 5: Kalu suara isteri xsedap..kena nyanyi hiburkan suami jugak ke?

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Soalan 6: Pendapat Ustaz mengenai hiburan?
Soalan 7: Orang perempuan xwajib pakai tudung?
Soalan 8: Batalkah solat jika anak kecil naik atas riba ketika sedang tahiyat awal?
Soalan 9: Bakpe Ustaz ngn Zizan tak masuk Raja Lawak?

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Soalan 10: Hukum tengok cerita hantu?
Soalan 11: Nak derma termasuk RM50. Boleh minta balik tak duit tersebut?
Soalan 12: Kenapa wanita suka berbelanja?

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Soalan 12: Kenapa wanita suka berbelanja?
Soalan 13: Bolehkah saya menjadi menantu ustaz?

single link -


Tiru Gaya Ustaz Azhar Idrus

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Zizan Raja Lawak dan Ustaz Azhar Idrus bermain Gitar Elektrik

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tgh lepak2 tiba2 jmp nie so nak share sikit android punye market yg paid tapi percuma..x caye korang try la ek...

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  • One click fix - Take the frustration out of a slow performing PC, and clean up your PC with one simple mouse click!
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  • Registry Reviver protects you from mistakes. The automatic restore point setting ensures that if there are any problems with a repair, the changes can be easily reversed to get you back up and running in no time.
  • New intuitive and simple to use interface makes Registry Reviver user friendly and easy to use. Registry Reviver has been developed with the novice user in mind while providing the backend structure and functionality expected by the most advanced user.
  • BONUS: Startup Manager. Allows advance users to quickly and easily manage which applications they want to launch at startup to optimize boot times and overall PC performance.
  • Light footprint ensures your computer's performance won't be affected while you use Registry Reviver. The last thing you want to do when running an application is for it to bog down your system and lose performance. Registry Reviver is all about helping improve your PC's performance and has been developed with this in mind.
  • 24/7 technical support. Support for Registry Reviver is available from within the product and via email. Turn around time for a support request is less than 2 hours.
  • Registry Reviver is RISK FREE. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply contact our friendly consultants within 30 days, and we will happily give you your money back.
  • Windows 7 compatible. Many Registry Cleaners are not yet Windows 7 compatible. With the big push for Microsoft on this launch, and with most new PC's coming with Windows 7, the need for Windows 7 support is essential.
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The movie begins with British spy Finn McMissile on a boat, where he infiltrates the largest untapped oil reserves in the world, which is owned by a group of "lemon" cars. After being discovered, he escapes capture and fools the lemons into thinking that they killed him by diving underwater and releasing his tires.
Four-time Piston Cup champion race car Lightning McQueen returns home to Radiator Springs and reunites with best friend Mater and girlfriend Sally Carrera. Former oil tycoon Miles Axlerod, now a green power advocate, announces a racing series called the "World Grand Prix", as a means to promote Allinol biofuel. Although McQueen initially refuses to participate, Italian formula race car Francesco Bernoulli's challenge, as well as Mater's intervention, leads McQueen to enter the Grand Prix. At Sally's urging, McQueen agrees to take Mater with him, only to have the tow truck embarrass him repeatedly in Japan with his jovially ignorant antics.
Meanwhile, the lemons are revealed to be led by Professor Zündapp and an unknown mastermind. They secretly plot to secure their oil profits by using a weapon disguised as a television camera to ignite the Allinol fuel in targeted race cars during the World Grand Prix; with no apparent cause for the explosions, the public would doubt the fuel's safety and depend further on the group's oil. McMissile and partner Holley Shiftwell attempt to foil their plot. They attempt to rendezvous with American spy car Rod "Torque" Redline at a World Grand Prix promotional event in Tokyo in order to receive information about the mastermind; however, Redline is cornered by Zündapp's henchmen and passes his information to an unsuspecting Mater before being captured and subsequently killed. As a result, Shiftwell and McMissile mistake Mater as their American contact.
During the first race in Tokyo, McMissile and Holley help a still-oblivious Mater evade Zündapp's henchmen; in the process, Mater inadvertently gives McQueen bad advice which causes him to lose the race. Meanwhile, Zündapp uses the weapon on several race cars. At the end of his patience with Mater's embarrassing behavior as well as causing his loss, McQueen berates Mater, who decides to return to Radiator Springs. McMissile, who still believes Mater is an American spy, drafts him into foiling Zündapp's plot.
In Italy, the site of the second race, a disguised Mater infiltrates the criminals' meeting and discovers Zündapp's plan. Zündapp's henchmen, meanwhile, use their weapon on most of the cars during the race. With the Allinol fuel under suspicion, Axlerod suspends its use for the final race in England; however, McQueen decides to continue using it. The criminals decide to kill McQueen in the next race; upon hearing this, Mater blows his cover and is captured along with McMissile and Shiftwell.
Rendered unconscious, Mater has a mortifying dream where he sees his recent activities in a different perspective and realizes how foolish he has been acting, until he wakes up tied up inside Big Bentley along with McMissile and Shiftwell, minutes away from being crushed by its gears. The criminals use the weapon on McQueen during the race, but nothing happens. Mater manages to escape in order to warn his friends of a bomb planted in McQueen's pit area, but McMissile and Shiftwell find that the bomb was planted on Mater. They warn Mater about the bomb just in time, and Mater flees to protect his friends. However, he is pursued by a repentant McQueen determined to make amends to his friend, unaware of the real danger until they are out of range of Zündapp's remote detonator. He sends his henchmen to kill McQueen and Mater, but they are foiled by the combined efforts of McMissile, Shiftwell, and the Radiator Springs residents. Upon his capture, Zündapp reveals that only the person who installed the bomb can deactivate it. Mater then figures out that the mastermind behind the Allinol plot is Miles Axlerod, who is forced to deactivate the bomb in a final confrontation, after which he is arrested along with Zündapp and the lemons.
As a reward for his heroism, Mater is knighted by the Queen and returns home with his friends, where the cars from the Grand Prix take part in the unofficial Radiator Springs Grand Prix. Fillmore reveals that before the last race, Sarge replaced Lightning's Allinol with Fillmore's organic fuel, which prevented Lightning from being affected by the weapon. McMissile and Shiftwell invite Mater to join them in another spy mission, but he declines, claiming that he is where he belongs. He does, however, get to keep the rockets they gave him earlier, which he uses in the Radiator Springs race, while the spies take off on their latest mission.

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pahlawan petaling 2012 full

Petaling Street Warrior" is set in Petaling Street in 1908. It tells of a Hokkien mee seller (Mark Lee) who finds himself entangled in deadly battles with skilled fighters. Little did he know that he is in possession of a lost treasure map linked to the Qing Dynasty, and must refrain himself from consummating his marriage to master the "Virgin Kung Fu" skills to overcome his opponents."

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cerita tv 3 skg. bff (teman tapi mesra)

Drama BFF ~ Teman Tapi Mesra disiarkan setiap hari Ahad jam 9 malam di TV3. Drama lakonan Munif Isa, Sari Yanti, Irfan Roslan, Razak Ahmad dan Liza Abdullah. BFF mengisahkan tentang dua teman rapat, Iskandar dan Shahidah yang membesar bersama. Mereka berdua saling membantu antara satu sama lain untuk mencapai impian masing-masing.."

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kasi macam artis sikit. photo instrument full

Photoinstrument provides a stunning amount of control when editing photos. Even with all the controls, the program still manages to be simple to operate, especially for those willing to invest the time.
Our first impressions were not positive since the program's interface looked slightly childish, thanks to command icons that are all various smiley faces. Fortunately, the tutorial videos that pop up immediately prove that this is a serious tool and seriously easy. We smoothly navigated the program's functions that are represented by the previously mentioned smileys, each offering ways to shade, erase blemishes, and even erase features (the tutorial's example shaves a few centimeters from a man's chin in a profile photo). It was a relief to find that all the tools followed the same pattern of adjusting the size and intensity with sliders and by clicking and dragging the changes on the picture. While a little clumsy at first, the tools got easier with a little practice. The best we tested were the tools that subtly erased blemishes because they smoothly blended the skin defects into the healthy flesh. Our favorite feature was its Original button, which let us toggle between the changes and the untouched photo. Overall, each tool was effective and simple to understand, though each required patience in perfecting.
Photoinstrument's trial does not let users save their work. While the program looks childish and takes some practice, its results were professional enough that we recommend it.


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McAfee ® VirusScan ® Enterprise protects your desktop and file servers from a wide range of threats, including viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and potentially unwanted code and programs. McAfee ® VirusScan ® 8 takes anti-virus protection to the next level, integrating elements of intrusion prevention and firewall technology into a single solution for PCs and file servers. This powerful combination delivers truly proactive protection from the newest of today's threats-including buffer - overflow exploits and blended attacks - and features advanced outbreak management responses to reduce the damage and costs of outbreaks. Everything is managed by McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator ® or ProtectionPilot ™ for scalable security policy compliance and graphical reporting.

Key Benefits:
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- Lowered TCO during outbreak response - Advanced outbreak functionality closes the window of vulnerability before DAT files are available, limiting damage by blocking the entrance and spread of the outbreak
- McAfee scanning technology - Award-winning McAfee scan engine performs in-memory scanning to block threats such as Netsky and CodeRed, which don't write their code to disk
- Centralized management and reporting - Integration with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator and ProtectionPilot provides a complete security management solution, including detailed graphical reporting, from a single console.


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Papa, I Love You" tells the story of a single dad, Baha (Zalif Sidek) who is trying to raise his daughter Mia Sara (Mia Sara Nasuha) while willing to do anything due to financial constraints. He then meets Elly (Lisa Surihani) who is willing to take care of Mia Sara while he finds a job. Unexpectedly, Elly and Mia Sarah completes Baha's life even though he has neither money nor a permanent job. Meanwhile, Elly's estranged father Datuk Kudin (Zaidi Omar) is a businessman who has it all but not her daughter's heart. Baha tries to mend the brokenness between Datuk Kudin and Elly but instead strains his relationship with Elly
part 1
part 2

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

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Now you can earn rewards by sharing through facebook and twitter with #ChurpChurp! How cool is that?

Now you can earn rewards by sharing through facebook and twitter with #ChurpChurp! How cool is that?

Now you can earn rewards by sharing through facebook and twitter with #ChurpChurp! How cool is that?

Now you can earn rewards by sharing through facebook and twitter with #ChurpChurp! How cool is that?

Now you can earn rewards by sharing through facebook and twitter with #ChurpChurp! How cool is that?

Now you can earn rewards by sharing through facebook and twitter with #ChurpChurp! How cool is that?

Here’s where all 5 yrs of study comes dwn to, SPM. Gotta score! Tune onto Astro 603, #TutorTVSPM for sm quick tips

Here’s where all 5 yrs of study comes dwn to, SPM. Gotta score! Tune onto Astro 603, #TutorTVSPM for sm quick tips

Invest in precious metals now so you are not burdened by debts in the future! #NubexMY

Invest in precious metals now so you are not burdened by debts in the future! #NubexMY

Know someone who's brilliant in 140 characters? Nominate them for #NAPBAS !

Know someone who's brilliant in 140 characters? Nominate them for #NAPBAS !

Giuliana Rancic fights breast cancer. Follow her lead and get an early mammogram today!

Giuliana Rancic fights breast cancer. Follow her lead and get an early mammogram today!: Looking fit and having one of the most interesting careers, Giuliana Rancic was all about living a year of fun this 2011. Planning to undergo IVF treatment to conceive a baby, Rancic was determined to have a child with husband, Bill Rancic even through her busy life as the co-host of E! News. However, all plans came to a standstill this mid-October as Rancic's mammogram test revealed that the 36 year old host was diagnosed with early stages of breast cancer.At a young age, Rancic was shocked with the life-threatening news and did not expect it coming. Not able to continue with her IVF treatment, Giuliana is still determined to have a full recovery and would still like to be a mother one day. Coming out to the public wasn't easy after receiving the

Giuliana Rancic fights breast cancer. Follow her lead and get an early mammogram today!

Giuliana Rancic fights breast cancer. Follow her lead and get an early mammogram today!: Looking fit and having one of the most interesting careers, Giuliana Rancic was all about living a year of fun this 2011. Planning to undergo IVF treatment to conceive a baby, Rancic was determined to have a child with husband, Bill Rancic even through her busy life as the co-host of E! News. However, all plans came to a standstill this mid-October as Rancic's mammogram test revealed that the 36 year old host was diagnosed with early stages of breast cancer.At a young age, Rancic was shocked with the life-threatening news and did not expect it coming. Not able to continue with her IVF treatment, Giuliana is still determined to have a full recovery and would still like to be a mother one day. Coming out to the public wasn't easy after receiving the

Unbelievable, Papa John's set meals at RM9.90 and Free drinks at Capriciossa!

Unbelievable, Papa John's set meals at RM9.90 and Free drinks at Capriciossa!: Share more moments of laughter with your friends over a tantalising lunch. With Standard Chartered Card, savour your favourite flavours every day and enjoy more of The Good Life™. Find out more about the dining offer choices.

Fear, isolation and violence that only YOU can help to take away...

Fear, isolation and violence that only YOU can help to take away...: The fight for survival is a daily battle for refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia. Coming from countries such as Burma, refugees are forced to flee from their homelands in pursuit of safety from oppressive conditions such as confiscation of homes, forced labor, systematic rape and torture. However, their efforts to gain freedom in Malaysia are short-lived due to discrimination from local employers. Refugees and asylum seekers work in situations where they face verbal and physical abuse from employers, low/unpaid wages, and long working hours in exploitative conditions. Question is, where is the humanity in all of this?Agree to stand up against forced labor and human trafficking by signing a Petition Letter to the Prime Minister of Malaysia today! Petition available here :

How do you like the new Volkswagen Jetta?

How do you like the new Volkswagen Jetta?: Just when you thought the mid-sized sedan wasn't your type of car, here comes the new Volkswagen Jetta. It's German engineered quality for the masses.

Giuliana Rancic fights breast cancer. Follow her lead and get an early mammogram today!

Giuliana Rancic fights breast cancer. Follow her lead and get an early mammogram today!: Looking fit and having one of the most interesting careers, Giuliana Rancic was all about living a year of fun this 2011. Planning to undergo IVF treatment to conceive a baby, Rancic was determined to have a child with husband, Bill Rancic even through her busy life as the co-host of E! News. However, all plans came to a standstill this mid-October as Rancic's mammogram test revealed that the 36 year old host was diagnosed with early stages of breast cancer.At a young age, Rancic was shocked with the life-threatening news and did not expect it coming. Not able to continue with her IVF treatment, Giuliana is still determined to have a full recovery and would still like to be a mother one day. Coming out to the public wasn't easy after receiving the

Giuliana Rancic fights breast cancer. Follow her lead and get an early mammogram today!

Giuliana Rancic fights breast cancer. Follow her lead and get an early mammogram today!: Looking fit and having one of the most interesting careers, Giuliana Rancic was all about living a year of fun this 2011. Planning to undergo IVF treatment to conceive a baby, Rancic was determined to have a child with husband, Bill Rancic even through her busy life as the co-host of E! News. However, all plans came to a standstill this mid-October as Rancic's mammogram test revealed that the 36 year old host was diagnosed with early stages of breast cancer.At a young age, Rancic was shocked with the life-threatening news and did not expect it coming. Not able to continue with her IVF treatment, Giuliana is still determined to have a full recovery and would still like to be a mother one day. Coming out to the public wasn't easy after receiving the

Light up a little life!

Light up a little life!: Yayasan Sunbeams Home is a place that sheds light to underprivileged children in Malaysia. Having homed the displaced, misplaced, abused and neglected children of single parents since 1995, Sunbeams is the beacon of hope for children that long for a bright future.With several homes, daycare centres, learning centres and a feeding ministry set up within Malaysia, Sunbeams meets the daily needs of children at a feat of RM 80,000 per month. Depending on the support of people like YOU, Sunbeams hopes to provide more and reach more underprivileged children in Malaysia through their wishes to expand. With a current RM 1.5 million renovation plan that caters to 100 children, your monetary donation, large or small will be greatly appreciated. If you are interested in helping out in other ways, do consider donating items, offering your time, service, or even spread the word of the amazing work in place. Every little bit helps.

Light up a little life!

Light up a little life!: Yayasan Sunbeams Home is a place that sheds light to underprivileged children in Malaysia. Having homed the displaced, misplaced, abused and neglected children of single parents since 1995, Sunbeams is the beacon of hope for children that long for a bright future.With several homes, daycare centres, learning centres and a feeding ministry set up within Malaysia, Sunbeams meets the daily needs of children at a feat of RM 80,000 per month. Depending on the support of people like YOU, Sunbeams hopes to provide more and reach more underprivileged children in Malaysia through their wishes to expand. With a current RM 1.5 million renovation plan that caters to 100 children, your monetary donation, large or small will be greatly appreciated. If you are interested in helping out in other ways, do consider donating items, offering your time, service, or even spread the word of the amazing work in place. Every little bit helps.

Check out Namewee starring in Petaling Street Warriors, lawak giler!

Check out Namewee starring in Petaling Street Warriors, lawak giler!: Set in Petaling Street in 1908, it tells of a hokkien mee seller (Mark Lee) who finds himself entangled in deadly battles with skilled fighters. Little did he know that he is in possession of a lost treasure map linked to the Qing Dynasty and must refrain himself from consummating his marriage to master the

Watch Make the Pitch tonight at 8.30pm on Ntv7

Watch Make the Pitch tonight at 8.30pm on Ntv7: In previous episode, contestants pitched on a website for beautiful people, hygienic toothbrush and Hannah Tan pitched a web portal to achieve their entrepreneurial dream. Tune in to NTV7 8.30pm this Wednesday to see Malaysians pitching for their dreams.

Watch Make the Pitch tonight at 8.30pm on Ntv7

Watch Make the Pitch tonight at 8.30pm on Ntv7: In previous episode, contestants pitched on a website for beautiful people, hygienic toothbrush and Hannah Tan pitched a web portal to achieve their entrepreneurial dream. Tune in to NTV7 8.30pm this Wednesday to see Malaysians pitching for their dreams.

#MalaysiansMustKnow: What if your car is damaged and broken into at a shopping mall. Is the shopping mall liable?

#MalaysiansMustKnow: What if your car is damaged and broken into at a shopping mall. Is the shopping mall liable?: We might have been taken advantage of our legal rights in the past without us knowing it. Your car broken into and damaged at a shopping mall, being overcharged for a repair, received unjustified summons, or salaries being witheld... Legal advice and support would be a big help in scenarios like these…

How does getting rewarded through sharing sound like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community!

How does getting rewarded through sharing sound like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community!

Here’s where all 5 yrs of study comes dwn to, SPM. Gotta score! Tune onto Astro 603, #TutorTVSPM for sm quick tips

Here’s where all 5 yrs of study comes dwn to, SPM. Gotta score! Tune onto Astro 603, #TutorTVSPM for sm quick tips

Do you know how to protect urself against the deadly dengue? Take the #GanyangAedes quiz to find out how!

Do you know how to protect urself against the deadly dengue? Take the #GanyangAedes quiz to find out how!

Can't wait to win a beach vacay in Phuket, Bali or Club Med Bintan with my four buddies. Just #BuddyUp now!

Can't wait to win a beach vacay in Phuket, Bali or Club Med Bintan with my four buddies. Just #BuddyUp now!

Love that #AstroIPTV has so many features, I feel like I am spoiled for choice!

Invest in precious metals now so you are not burdened by debts in the future! #NubexMY

Invest in precious metals now so you are not burdened by debts in the future! #NubexMY